Getting support

If reading the documentation and using the "-h" option in both the 'obsmon' and 'install' scripts still doesn't help you, please take a look at the webpage Please browse the list of open and closed issues to see if the one you are experiencing has already been reported. If it has been reported, you are encouraged to participate in the discussion and also to upvote it. If it has not, please fell free to open a new issue there.

When opening a new issue, please remember to include as much information as you can so that we can try to replicate the problem. At the very least, you should include:

  • The version of obsmon you are using (it helps to include the start banner obsmon prints out, if possible)

  • Your operating system name and version

  • A copy of any relevant logfile

  • Relevant output produced by the code

  • Screen prints whenever possible

Doing so greatly simplifies the process of providing support.