Installing, executing and updating

Use the install script to install the R libraries needed. The main system requirements are:

  • A Linux operating system

  • A working R (>= 4.0.5) interpreter

  • python (>= 3.6.7)

  • Internet connection

Instructions for the various installation modes are given in install-standalone install-server goes through the recommended steps to update the code. The required system packages are listed in 3.4, and the paths where obsmon looks for installed R libraries are listed in 3.3. Finally, the information presented in 3.5.2 about the use of pre-compiled binaries for the R libraries may save you a significant amount of time if you wish to install obsmon in multiple identical computers.

Installing and executing

Standalone mode

  1. Go to the obsmon directory and execute:[2]

    • If required system packages are missing, then the installation will stop. Install the relevant system package(s) and execute ./install again. [Obsmon has helper scripts to install system dependencies in some Linux distributions]{.underline} – see 3.4 for more details.

    • You may need to customise installation for some R-packages (non-standard paths for system libraries, for instance). In such cases, please use the install script's -ca and/or -cv arguments. These options are, respectively, passed to the configure.args and configure.vars arguments of R's install.packages function.

  2. Create a config.toml. You can find a detailed discussion about the configuration file in 4. Also, take a look at the template config file docs/example/config.toml.

  3. To run obsmon, just execute[3]


    The output will show something similar to

    bash Listening on

    Point your browser to the address you see in your output.[4]

  4. Alternatively, if you want the browser to open automatically, you can run obsmon as

    ./obsmon --launch

Finally, for a list of command line options currently supported by obsmon in standalone mode, please run:

./obsmon -h

Through a Shiny Server

If you want to offer obsmon to a larger number of users, you may want to deploy it using a web server. A canonical choice in this case would be to use a Shiny Server. Shiny Server installation is beyond the scope of this document.In the following, we assume that the Shiny Server is already installed and running.

  1. Put the obsmon directory into the site_dir directory as configured in your shiny-server.conf, or, alternatively, add a location stance to your shiny-server.conf listing the obsmon directory.

    • You may want to configure in your shiny-server.conf the location of your log files. If you do not do so, they will most likely end up somewhere such as /var/log/shiny-server/obsmon-*.log, although this cannot be guaranteed
  2. Install the required R libraries. We recommend that you use the included install script with the default settings.

    • If you don't follow the recommended install approach, then we highly recommend that you manually specify the paths to the directories where you installed the R libraries. You can do this by using the .libPaths (R-language) command inside an .Rprofile file placed in the obsmon directory. otherwise, you may have issues with conflicting R libraries between obsmon and the shiny server.
  3. Put a valid config.toml file inside either the obsmon directory or at /etc/obsmon. See the file docs/example/config.toml for a template. See also 4.

  4. Run your Shiny Server and connect to it with your browser.

At ECMWF (Atos Bologna)

To make your own installation of Obsmon: Follow the instructions given ini 3.1.1.

The compilation requires the following modules to provide system dependencies:

module load R
module load gdal
module load gproj
module load geos

Tested with current (April 2024) defaults: R/4.2.2 geos/3.11.1 proj/9.1.1 gdal/3.6.2.

Atos HPC currently does not provide a browser to connect to Shinny applications. However, for those using Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) provided by ECMWF, one option is to use SOCKS port forwarding from the Linux Virtual Desktop:

  1. Configure proxy to use SOCKS port-forwarding.

    Open the Firefox browser on DVI virtual machine, and go to Proxy settings (Settings -> Network Settings -> Settings). Choose Manual Proxy Configuration and SOCKSv4. Use SOCKS Host: and Port: 5000.

  2. Connect to HPC and run Obsmon.

    ssh -D 5000 your_username@hpc-login
  3. Go to your obsmon installation and execute Obsmon:

    module load R
  4. Connect to Shinny application through browser

In Firefox, navigate to where 5391 is the default port used by Obsmon (please change if your Obsmon application is using another port).


You can follow the instructions given in 3.1.1, but you can substantially reduce installation time by passing an appropriate value to the -bin-repo-path option of the install script (to make use of pre-compiled binaries; more on this on 3.5.2. Please take a look at our internal Obsmon wiki page for more details. If you prefer, we can also produce a package that you can install using our package manager.


Please run:

git pull -rebase && ./install

This assumes that:

  • You have not modified obsmon

  • You have followed the recommended installation approach when first installing the code.

Updating is normally faster than performing a completely new install, as obsmon tries to use pre-compiled binaries generated during the previous install/update (see 3.5.2). However, you may occasionally need to install new system dependencies when you update obsmon (see 3.4). N.B.: You should always update the code after having switched branches.

R library search paths

Obsmon looks for R libraries installed in the following paths (listed in order of priority):

  1. .installer_local_R-libs/R-libs

  2. The default R library search paths. These vary depending on your system.[5]

If you wish for obsmon to look somewhere else for R-libs, then you can, e.g., edit the .libPaths call in the .Rprofile file located inside the obsmon root directory.

System dependencies

CentOS, RHEL or Ubuntu

list the system dependencies for the R libraries used in obsmon under CentOS/RHEL and Ubuntu, respectively. You can find [helper scripts]{.underline} under utils/build to install system dependencies in these Linux distributions. Please feel free to notify us if any dependencies are missing. But please mind that these scripts are only [meant to guide you in your install process]{.underline}. We will gladly try to help you with this should you face problems, but [we can't guarantee that we will be able to do this for every system]{.underline}. If possible, [please refer to your IT department first for problems regarding system dependencies]{.underline}.

   Required system package   First R lib that asks for it during install  
  ------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --
         libXt-devel                            Cairo                     
         cairo-devel                            Cairo                     
        libcurl-devel                 DBI (via curl dependency)           
        openssl-devel               DBI (via openssl dependency)          
        libxml2-devel                 DBI (via xml2 dependency)           
        mariadb-devel             dbplyr (via RMariaDB dependency)        
         geos-devel                leaflet (via rgdal dependency)         
         proj-devel                leaflet (via rgdal dependency)         
          proj-epsg                leaflet (via rgdal dependency)         
         gdal-devel                leaflet (via rgdal dependency)         
          v8-devel                   shinyjs (via V8 dependency)          

CentOS 7/RHEL 7 system dependencies for obsmon. The list was produced by installing the code on a newly installed, minimal system and keeping note of the packages required during the process. Many other system packages are installed as dependencies of those listed here and have been omitted. Last updated on 2018-03-22.


    Required system package     First R lib that asks for it during install  
  ---------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --
      libcurl4-openssl-dev                         curl                      
           libssl-dev                             openssl                    
          libxml2-dev                              xml2                      
   libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev                    RMariaDB                    
         libcairo2-dev                            gdtools                    
         libgeos++-dev                             rgeos                     
          libgdal-dev                              rgdal                     
           libxt-dev                               Cairo                     
         libv8-3.14-dev                             V8                       

Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS system dependencies for obsmon. The list was produced by installing the code on a newly installed system and keeping note of the packages required during the process. Many other system packages are installed as dependencies of those listed here and have been omitted. Last updated on 2019-05-28.

Other Linux distributions

There is currently no robust way to programmatically determine the system dependencies for all Linux distributions. The recommended approach at the moment is to proceed as indicated in install-standalone, install-server and install the system dependencies as they are requested during installation. You can nevertheless use the names of the Linux packages shown in sysdeps, sysdeps-ubuntu as reference, as, although the names change from one distribution to another, they are generally similar.

Advanced install options

Changing the versions of the installed R libraries

The provided install script uses metadata stored in the file .installer_local_pkg_repo/src/contrib/PACKAGES to solve R-package dependencies as well as determine which versions of them will be installed. We use this to ensure that the installs are reproducible, which greatly simplifies support and maintenance. There may be cases, however, where one may want/need to install package versions that are different from those in the aforementioned PACKAGES file. This can be accomplished by using either of the following options:

a. pkg_versions_control:cran_latest Running ./install -repos=cran (instead of just ./install)

This instructs the install script to ignore the metadata in the .installer_local_pkg_repo/src/contrib/PACKAGES file and, instead, use CRAN to determine the package versions and dependencies. This is the best option if you want to install the latest versions of all packages.

b. pkg_versions_control:versions_file Creating an .installer_pkg_versions.txt file

This allows you to handpick the versions of any number of used R-packages. A typical usage case would be to select specific versions of a few packages. Packages not listed in the file will have their versions determined by the default method. You can create a template file by running "./install listdeps -lock" and then edit it (keeping the same format).

N.B.: Changing the versions of only selected R-packages can cause some dependencies to be broken. Use this option with caution.

It is also possible to combine these options, which may be handy in some cases. Mind, however, that using R-libraries with versions different from the ones originally configured in obsmon can make it more difficult for us to provide you with support, should you need it.

Using pre-compiled binaries for the R libraries

When you use the install script to install the R libraries needed by obsmon, it saves the binaries for all successfully compiled R libraries. Conversely, before attempting to compile any R library, the install script looks for appropriate binaries it may have previously compiled.

This mechanism allows installation to resume from where it stopped in case it fails or is interrupted. Another (perhaps not so obvious) advantage is that it can lead to a very significant reduction in the installation times whenever:

  1. You need to update obsmon

  2. You need to install the code multiple times in the same computer (e.g., for multiple users in an independent way)

  3. You need to install obsmon in multiple identical computers

For updates, you just need to follow the recommended update approach (3.2). For the other cases, you only need to run the install script from scratch once. Then, for subsequent installs, you may (i) copy the appropriate pre-compiled libraries directory created during the first install run to some accessible location in your computer(s), and (ii) pass the path to this directory in the next install script run via the -bin-repo-path command line argument. By doing so, no libraries will be unnecessarily compiled.

  • 2Please run ./install -h for more help about the install script.
  • 3You can also put a symlink to the obsmon executable somewhere in your PATH. If you do so, you will be able to run obsmon as a command from any directory.
  • 4This only works if the browser is running on the same machine as obsmon. Otherwise you will need to use something like SSH local port forwarding (e.g., ssh -L 5391:localhost:5391 user@computer) or, less preferably, X forwarding to connect to the server.
  • 5You can check these out by using, for instance, the R function .libPaths().