ALADIN/HIRLAM data assimilation training


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Practical info

  • Location: The Hungarian Meteorological Service Headquarter (OMSZ)
  • Date: 10-15 February 2019

Background reading


ABAntonin Bucanek
ATAlena Trojakova
BSBenedikt Strajnar
DSDaniel Santos
EWEoin Whelan
PMPaulo Meideros
RHRafiq Hamdi
RRRoger Randriamampianina
RSRoel Stappers
TATrygve Aspelien



0900 - 0945Eoin WhelanObservations for NWP[EW1]
0945 - 1030Alena TrojakovaBator and ODB[AT1]
1100 - 1130Daniel SantosECMWF working Environment
1300 - 1330EW & ATIntroduction to the practicals
1330 - 1530Eoin WhelanBUFR observations (solutions)
1600 - 1730AT & EWBator (solutions)


0900 - 0945Roger RandriamampianinaObservation Screening[RR1]
0945 - 1030RR & TABias correction of observations Obsmon[TA1]
1100 - 1130Daniel SantosHarmonie System part I
1300 - 1530RR & AT & TA & PMScreening and Monitoring
1600 - 1730AB & RRScreening (ALARO) practicals


0900 - 0945Roel StappersVariational Data assimilation[RS]
0945 - 1030Antonin BucanekMinimization & B Matrix computation[AB]
1100 - 1130Daniel SantosHarmonie system Part II
1330 - 1530Antonin BucanekMinimization and Single Obs
1600 - 1730Antonin BucanekDA exercise


0900 - 0945Rafiq HamdiSurface DA[RH]
0945 - 1030Trygve AspelienSurface DA II[TA]
1100 - 1130Eoin WhelanCycling - Input/Output/Archiving in Harmonie


0900 - 0945Alena TrojakovaInitialisation[AT2]
0945 - 1030Benedikt StrajnarDiagnostics in DA[BS]
1330 - 1730AT & BS & RRDiagnostic Tools
  • EW1A summary of observations used in NWP. Conventional (GTS), satellite (EUMETSAT), radar (OPERA) and other observations will discussed in the context of the ALADIN/HIRLAM System.
  • AT1An overview of BATOR program to convert various observation data into ODB-1 format, to perform a blacklisting, to assign observation errors for conventional data and to make a preselection (geographic,timewindow, channel and sensors) of data. A short review of ODB and ODB applications (odbsq, MANDALAY, ODBTOOLS). |
  • RR1How the good observations are selected for data assimilation through quality control, blacklisting and data thinning. What do we do with known biased observations?
  • TA1Obsmon is a tool used to monitor the use of observations from the ODBs used in 3/4D-Var and CANARI. It consists of two parts, the first extract information from ODB and the second part is the visualization done in a browser.
  • RSTheoretical background for variational data assimiliation (Minimization algorithms, preconditioning, Large scale constraint)
  • ABAn overview of minimization configuration (inputs, environment, namelist parameters) and checking of its execution. Various methods of B matrix computation: spinup, EDA (femars a festat programs).
  • RHTheoretical and scientific background for surface assimilation in NWP.
  • TAThis second part will focus more on practical aspects on how to do surface assimilation with the external surface model SURFEX and how this links to the NWP model and HARMONIE script system
  • AT2A short introduction to initialization (DFI, IDFI, space consistent coupling).
  • BSIntroduction of various diagnostic techniques for DA: Analysis of residuals, Degrees of Freedom for Signal, Moist Total Energy norm, covariances of residuals and tuning of background/observation errors and thinning based on a-posterior diagnostics.