allobs Verification


It is possible to use Screening (NCONF=002) to calculate observation - forecast (O-F) statistics using forecasts of any length as the model first-guess. The ...

Screening adjustments

The screening of observations is switched off by adjusting the NAMCT0 and L_SCREEN_CALL



The inputs for the allobs data extraction are the same as for a regular DA Screening task - observations (ECMA) and a first-guess (short-forecast files - ICMSHHARM+hhhh and ICMSHHARM+hhhh.sfx).


The forecasts being verified will need both model state (ICMSHHARM+hhhh) and the "full" SURFEX file (ICMSHHARM+hhhh.sfx) available for the Scextr task. You may need to adjust the VERITIMES and SWRITUPTIMES settings in your ecf/config_exp.h file.

The following settings are important:

config_exp.h setting
SCREXTRUse Screening (NCONF=002) to produce O-F data
SCREXTR_TASKSNumber of parallel tasks for O-F extraction
FGREFEXPExperiment name for FirstGuess. If set to undef it will use own forecasts
OBREFEXPExperiment name for ODBs. If set to undef it will use own ODBs


This extraction can be executed as part of a running experiment (with SCREXTER=yes) or using a standalone suite (PLAYFILE=allobsver).


The output from the Scrextr task is a CCMA ODB with O-F statistics. This ODB is archived in $HM_DATA/archive/extract/obsver/odb_ver_${FGDTG}_${FCLENSTR}/ where FGDTG is the forecast cycle DTG and FCLENSTR is the forecast length verified. The ODB data is then converted to ODB-2 and sqlite files for use in Harp and other downstream applications using odbcon tools.