ODB software

Get the software

To make best use of ODB information produced by your Harmonie experiment one should use ODB and ODB-API software developed by ECMWF. Below are instruction on how to obtain the software from ECMWF.


ODB-API software is open source and released under an Apache licence


ODB stands for Observational !DataBase. It is database software to store and retrieve large amounts of meteorological numerical data in an efficient manner while used from within IFS. ODB software mimics relational database queries through its ODB/SQL -compiler and accesses data currently via a Fortran90 library interface. The original documentation is available here

Building your ODB software

The ODB-API Software bundle uses cmake https://www.cmake.org to configure the make files used to compile the software. The instructions below worked with Redhat 7/GCC 4.8.5 and CentOS 7/GCC 4.8.5. On newer systems python functionality may have to be switched off with -DENABLE_PYTHON=OFF.

wget https://confluence.ecmwf.int/download/attachments/61117379/odb_api_bundle-${VERSION}-Source.tar.gz
gunzip odb_api_bundle-${VERSION}-Source.tar.gz
tar -xvf odb_api_bundle-${VERSION}-Source.tar
cd odb_api_bundle-${VERSION}-Source
mkdir build
cd build
cmake.. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/metapp/odb_api/${VERSION}/gnu \
make -j 2
make install

Building on Fedora systems

To compile the odb_api on a Fedora workstation (F35), the following additional flags needed to be added to the cmake command above:


Additionally the following flag may be needed (on F36):


Furthermore, compilation failed in odb_api_bundle-0.18.1-Source/odb_api/src/odb_api/sqly.y (error: 'yyscan_t' was not declared in this scope). This can be fixed with:

sed -i '6i %code requires {typedef void *yyscan_t;}' odb_api_bundle-${VERSION}-Source/odb_api/src/odb_api/sqly.y

So, from start to finish:

wget https://confluence.ecmwf.int/download/attachments/61117379/odb_api_bundle-${VERSION}-Source.tar.gz
tar xvfz odb_api_bundle-${VERSION}-Source.tar.gz
sed -i '6i %code requires {typedef void *yyscan_t;}' odb_api_bundle-${VERSION}-Source/odb_api/src/odb_api/sqly.y
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../odb_api_bundle-${VERSION}-Source -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/install/odb_api/${VERSION}/gnu \
 -DCMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS='-fallow-argument-mismatch' \
make -j 4
make install

ACTION: FOR EOIN: everything below here needs to be updated

ODB data

Convert ODB-1 to ODB-2

Details on how to convert your ODB-1 (Harmonie experiment) databases to ODB-2 using odb_migrator are described here. I have used version 0.9.31 of ODB-API (I have had some problems with 0.9.32). I will use a Harmonie CCMA conventional ODB-1 database as an example:

tar -xvf odb_ccma.tar
cd odb_ccma/CCMA/
cd ../../
ls -l ../conv.38h1.sql
which odb_migrator
/opt/metlib/odb_api/0.9.31/gnu/bin/odb_migrator -addcolumns "expver='    38h1',class=2,stream=1025,type=264" odb_ccma/CCMA ../conv.38h1.sql var${DTG}.odb
ls -l var${DTG}.odb

Here is the SQL file used: conv.38h1.sql. To construct my conv.38h1.sql file did carried out the following commands:

cd odb_ccma/CCMA/
odbsql -q "select * from desc,timeslot_index,hdr,body" | head -1 

Instructions for use on ecgb

On ecgb I have installed odb_migrator in my own account. ODB developers have promise to provide a "system" installation of odbmigrator soon. The next version of ODB-API on ecgb should include *odbmigrator*. My installation is here:


To produce your own ODB-2 file from a Harmonie CCMA tar ball on ecgb:

module load odb
export PATH=/home/ms/ie/dui/odbapi/0.9.31/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/ms/ie/dui/odbapi/0.9.31/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
mkdir ODB2odb
cd ODB2odb
## copy your odb_stuff.tar/odb_ccma.tar file from ECFS/your home system to this directory
## eg -- ecp ec:/dui/harmonie/refSonde38h1p1/2013/12/27/00/odb_stuff.tar .
tar -xvf odb_stuff.tar
tar -xvf odb_ccma.tar
cd odb_ccma/CCMA/
cd ../../
odb_migrator odb_ccma/CCMA -addcolumns "expver='refSonde',class=2,stream=1025,type=264" /home/ms/ie/dui/odbapi/conv.38h1.sql conv2013122700.odb
odb header conv2013122700.odb
odb sql 'select distinct varno' -i conv2013122700.odb
odb sql 'select count(*) where varno=2' -i conv2013122700.odb
rm -f bdstrategy odb*.tar ## tidy up the directory if you wish
rm -rf odb_ccma

ODB visualisation

ODB-2 data can be visualized (directly) using Metview. On local platforms Metview must be built with ODB support (that uses ODB-API software) to visualize ODB-2 data. Here is an example, odbmap.mv4, of using Metview on ecagte to visualize ODB-2 data using a Metview Macro. This example requires an ODB-2 data file as input. Optionally this macro can also plot domain grid-points from a Harmonie GRIB file (called dom.grib) to indicate the extent of your Harmonie model domain.

  • Usage:
    odbmap:: Usage: metview -b odbmap.mv4 inputfile odbvar odbrequest odblegend outputtype
    odbmap::   where: inputfile  -- ODB-2 file
    odbmap::   where: odbvar     -- ODB variable to be plotted
    odbmap::                     -- (enclosed with inverted commas)
    odbmap::   where: odbrequest -- ODB SQL request 
    odbmap::                     -- (enclosed with inverted commas)
    odbmap::   where: odblegend  -- legon/legoff
    odbmap::   where: outputtype -- ps/png
  • An example to plot 2m temperature observation values on 25th December 2013 at 12z:
    cd  $SCRATCH
    cp -r /home/ms/ie/dui/odbMacroTest .
    cd odbMacroTest
    metview4 -b odbmap.mv4 conv201312.odb "obsvalue" "andate=20131225 and antime=120000 and varno=39" legon png
    xv odbmap.1.png