Harmonie release process

This page describes the release process for tagging new Harmonie versions

Harmonie repository organization

In the past we used the concept of trunk(svn) or develop(git) for the development of Harmonie-Arome codes. Since CY46 we decided to used dev-CYXXhX as development branch to be more clear about the harmonie version under development.

Harmonie-AROME naming convection

Using a common T(Toulouse) cycle of the ACCORD consortium from the IAL repository the development of an Harmonie-Arome version starts.

  • The naming convention is using the number of their cycle of T cycle used as base.
  • The h letter is used to indicate that it is, or will be, an Harmonie-Arome CSC that differs from the T base code version.
  • The first number after the h refers to the version of T cycle version used as base. (e.g. CY46T1 is used as base for dev-CY46h1)


In Hirlam, various tagging prior to official releases are made to provide user communities with a 'frozen' code set, even though the code has not necessarily been fully validated. These codes are often labeled as alpha, beta, rc.

  • Alpha release (e.g. harmonie-46h1.alpha.1): a snapshot of dev branch which is not mature both technically and meteorologically
  • Beta release (e.g. harmonie-46h1.beta.1): a snapshot of dev branch which is deemed technically mature for evaluation and meteorological validation. On the other hand, there could still be possibility for more features to add
  • Target releases (e.g. harmonie-43h2.2.target.2 and harmonie-43h2.2.target.3): pre-release tagging for final meteorological evaluation
  • Release candidate(e.g. harmonie-43h2.2.rc1): pre-release tagging for final evaluation
  • Official release (e.g. harmonie-43h2.2): mature for operational use
    • The second number refers the number of the Harmonie-Arome release technically and meteorological quality assured
    • A third number could appear in the name for a minor update, a technical release necessities or other aspects.(e.g., harmonie-43h2.2.1
    • Also some bugfix branches could be active using the bf in the naming (e.g.harmonie-43h2.2_bf)