OBSOUL creation: Oulan

General Description

The pre-processing step creates ODB (Observational Data Base) from various observation data files possibly in different formats.

  • Software: The programs used for pre-processing (Shufflebufr, oulan and BATOR) are not part of the IFS code. oulan is software developed at Météo France to extract observations from their local database (BDM). The output of oulan (OBSOUL) is one of the inputs of BATOR. BATOR is also software developed at Météo France to generate the ODB (Observational !DataBase) database for the ARPEGE/ALADIN/HARMONIE analysis system. ODB is a tailor made database software developed at ECMWF to manage very large observational data volumes assimilated in the IFS 4DVAR system, and to enable flexible post-processing of this data. We use oulan to generate an OBSOUL file from different BUFR files (note you can easily change the oulan program to handle data in different format than BUFR. For example in OPLACE data processing some files are in netCDF format). OBSOUL file is an ASCII formatted file, the content of which is similar to that of the CMA (Central Memory Array, packing format actually in use in the HIRLAM data assimilation system). Our version of ouland is placed under “util” directory in the repository. HARMONIE BATOR originates from the MF export-pack. The figure bellow describes the mechanism of the observation pre-processing in HARMONIE DA. To sum it up, !ShuffleBufr splits different observations into BUFR files, then oulan creates the OBSOUL file, and BATOR creates the ODB file using satellite BUFR/GRIB/BIN files and the OBSOUL one.
  • Compilation: oulan, Shufflebufr are compiled using gmkpack or makeup.
  • Scripts: Oulan
  • Input/output
  • oulan input: BUFR files; output: the OBSOUL file in ASCII format


ShuffleBufr splits different observations into separate BUFR files according the IFS observation type/sub-type definition. Some of them (essentially those of conventional observations) are then fed to OULAN; the others go directly into BATOR.

    Split and shuffle BUFR file into  specific BUFR files for OULAN

    Usage: SHUFFLEBUFR -i <bufr_file> [-s1|-s2|-s3]  [-a] [-r]

           -s1 : Synop ship will be extracted in <synop>
           -s2 : Synop ship will be extracted in <buoy>
           -s3 : Synop ship will be extracted in <ship>

           Nota Bene: If -s1,-s2 or -s3 are not specified
                      synop_ship will not be extracted

           -a  : Extracts ATOVS in files amsua and amsub

           -r  : Extracts also record messages (synop)

The splitting is done with the following command ($BUFRFILE is a file containing all observations) in the Oulan script:

      $BINDIR/ShuffleBufr -i ${BUFRFILE} -s3 -a


oulan reads (primarily conventional observation) BUFR data and converts them into ASCII format OBSOUL files. Note, we can make observation selection in oulan. More details about how to do data selection can be found here (Randriamampianina, ALADIN/HIRLAM Workshop 2005)

  1. namelist description:

    ANZA=90.If LZONEA is true then only extract observations south of 90N
    ALASZA=0.If LZONEA is true then only extract observations north of 0
    ALOEZA=-180.If LZONEA is true then only extract observations west of 180W
    ALOOZA=180.If LZONEA is true then only extract observations west of 180E
    LNEWSYNOPBUFR=.FALSE.Process new format BUFR SYNOP experimental
    LNEWSHIPBUFR=.FALSE.Process new format BUFR SHIP experimental
    LNEWBUOYBUFR=.FALSE.Process new format BUFR BUOY experimental
    LNEWTEMPBUFR=.FALSE.Process new format BUFR TEMP experimental
    LACAR=.TRUE.Process ACARS BUFR data
    LAIREP=.TRUE.Process AIREP BUFR data
    LAMDAR=.TRUE.Process AMDAR BUFR data
    LBUOY=.TRUE.Process BUOY BUFR data
    LEUROPROFIL=.FALSE.Process European Profiler BUFR data
    LPILOT=.TRUE.Process PILOT BUFR data
    LRH2Q=.FALSE.Extract 2m RH from SYNOP, BUOY and TEMP BUFR data
    LSHIP=.TRUE.Process SHIP BUFR data
    LSYNOP=.TRUE.Process SYNOP BUFR data
    LTEMP=.TRUE.Process TEMP BUFR data
    LTOVSHIRS=.FALSE.Process HIRS data
    LZONEA=.TRUE.Switch to extract data in defined lat-lon domain (N,S,E,W)
    NDIFFM1=30Define analysis window (T-NDIFFM1)
    NDIFFM2=300Define analysis window (T-NDIFFM2)
    NDIFFP1=30Define analysis window (T+NDIFFP1)
    NDIFFP2=259Define analysis window (T+NDIFFP2)
    NINIT=0flag used by oulan to prevent writing if problem is found
    **NANBOB*Namelist to define number of observations to be extracted
    NBACAR=750000Number of ACAR obs
    NBAIREP=750000Number of AIREP obs
    NBAMDAR=750000Number of AMDAR obs
    NBBUOY= 4000Number of BUOY obs
    NBEUROPROFIL= 15000Number of European profiler obs
    NBPILOT= 2000Number of PILOT obs
    NBSHIP= 30000Number of SHIP obs
    NBSYNOP= 60000Number of SYNOP obs
    NBTEMP= 2000Number of Land TEMP obs (since r14078)
    NBTEMPDROP= 1000Number of DROPTEMP obs (since r14078)
    NBTEMPSHIP= 1000Number of Ship TEMP obs (since r14078)
    NBTOVSAMSUA= 80000Number of AMSUA obs
    NBTOVSAMSUB= 80000Number of AMSUB obs
    NBTOVSHIRS= 8000Number of HIRS obs
  2. make a namelist

      Get_namelist oulan $NAMELIST
      sed -e "s/DDATE/$SDATE/" \
          -e "s/HHOUR/$SHOUR/"
          -e "s/SALOOZA/$OULWEST/"  \
          -e "s/SALANZA/$OULNORTH/"  \
          -e "s/SALOEZA/$OULEAST/"  \
          -e "s/SALASZA/$OULSOUTH/" \
  3. run oulan

  4. process GNSS data. If $GNSS_OBS is set to 1 then GNSS observations are added to the OBSOUL file and whitelisting is carried out using PREGPSSOL

New BUFR templates

Valid for HARMONIE 40h1 and later

The use of new format (GTS WMO) BUFR is controlled in scr/include.ass by LNEWSYNOPBUFR, LNEWSHIPBUFR, LNEWBUOYBUFR, LNEWTEMPBUFR (set to 0 or 1). These environment variables control namelist settings in the Oulan script. GTS and ECMWF BUFR were used to guide the code changes so Oulan assumes either "flavour" of BUFR. Local changes may be required if your locally produced BUFR, in particular section 1 data sub-type settings, do not follow WMO and/or ECMWF practices.

The ECMWF wiki contains updates regarding the quality of the new BUFR HR observations. See the following ECMWF wiki pages for furher information.