Mode-S Enhanced Surveillance
A novel method to measure wind and temperature is related to tracking and ranging by an enhanced surveillance (EHS) air traffic control (ATC) radar.
Modern aircraft carry sensors to measure the Mach number (using pitotstatic probe) and the total air temperature (T). An EHS radar interrogates all aircraft in sight in a selective mode (Mode-S), on which the aircraft replies with a message containing, for example, magnetic heading, airspeed and Mach number. From this information wind and temperature can be extracted.
Mode-S EHS data
The data description is available here:
Access to MUAC Mode-S EHS data can be requested from KNMI by signing a Non Disclosure Agreement. Send an e-mail to
with a request like this:
Dear Sir/Madam,
On behalf of MyNHMS, My NHMS Full Name, I would like to request access to Mode-S EHS derived meteorological data made available by Maastricht Upper Area Centre (MUAC) of EUROCONTROL and KNMI.
MyNHMS intend to use these data for NWP (Numerical Weather Prediction) research and development with the hope of assimilating these data in operational NWP system(s) in the near future.
My contact details are as follows:
Yours Sincerely,
Prepare the BUFR data
ftp server
Mode-S EHS bufr, netCDF and ASCII data are available on the KNMI ftp server,
. The ASCII and netCDF file contain all observations, while BUFR file contains about 10% of the available observations. The thinning is for descending and ascending aircraft evry 300m in pressure altitude, and for level flight one observation per 2 minutes.
BUFR data sub-category change
At present the BUFR-sub category needs to be changed: bufr_set, an ecCodes tool, can be used to change the data sub-category from 146 to 147. This is required by HARMONIE.
bufr_set -sdataSubCategory=147 Mode-S-EHS_MUAC_20170507_2345.bufr Mode-S-EHS_MUAC_20170507_2345_147.bufr
HARMONIE changes
In scr/include.ass
should be edited to "switch on" the use of Mode-S EHS data:
export MODESEHS_OBS=1 # Mode-S EHS
Processing using Bator
The BUFR template (WMO AMDAR v7) used by your Mode-S EHS data should be defined in the param.cfg
file used by Bator. param.cfg files for Bator are in the nam
namelist directory. The modes param.cfg
template should be something like this:
BEGIN amdar
Processing using Oulan
The processing of Mode-S EHS BUFR using Oulan is controlled by the following namelist entry in scr/Oulan
Thinning of Mode-S
Thinning of a bufr file
A collection of python scripts which directly thin the Mode-S csv and bufr file is uploaded here
E.g. the
script works with the large Mode-S_EMADDC_KNMI_oper_${DTG}.bufr
file and thins the data in 4 dimensions, horizontal, vertical and in observation time closest to analysis time.
currently assumes valid temperature and wind observations at the same time and fix vertical thinning intervals of:
[300, 300, 600, 1000] m
which corresponds to the heights of the lowest, second lowest, third lowest and all above boxes. The horizontal box width is variable and in the following example 40 km.
The .py script is triggered in scr/Prepare_ob
, with:
nMsgs=`bufr_count $OBDIR/Mode-S_EMADDC_KNMI_oper_${DTG}.bufr`
time python3 $HM_LIB/scr/ --infile $OBDIR/Mode-S_EMADDC_KNMI_oper_${DTG}.bufr --box_width 40 --DTG $DTG --nMsgs $nMsgs --outfile emaddcc_thinned.bufr
cat emaddcc_thinned.bufr /dev/null >> $BUFRFILE
It takes about 1:35 min on Atos-Bologna and results in reduction of Mode-S data by a factor of 4-5.