ODB creation (COPE)

General Description

HIRLAM, ALADIN and Météo France are working together with ECMWF to develop COPE, Continuous Observation Pre-processing Environment, to replace Oulan/Bator (and BUFR2ODB at ECMWF), to improve the pre-processing of observations for use in NWP. COPE developments are made in ECMWF's git repository.

Here are some links that may be of interest:

"Support" software packages

This section provides a step-by-step set of instruction on how to compile COPE and COPE related software.


These instructions rely on the ODB API source code bundle odbapibundle-0.18.1-Source.tar.gz and emoslib libemos-4.4.2-Source.tar.gz. The default install location for software packages is in $HOME/metapp/.

mkdir -p $HOME/test_ecmwf_releases
mkdir -p $HOME/test_ecSource
cp odb_api_bundle-0.15.2-Source.tar.gz $HOME/test_ecmwf_releases/
cp libemos-4.4.2-Source.tar.gz $HOME/test_ecmwf_releases/
cd $HOME/test_ecmwf_releases
gunzip odb_api_bundle-0.15.2-Source.tar.gz
tar -xvf odb_api_bundle-0.15.2-Source.tar
gunzip libemos-4.4.2-Source.tar.gz
tar -xvf libemos-4.4.2-Source.tar

ecBuild (2.4.0)

ecBuild is a set of cmake macros used by other ECMWF software packages.

cd $HOME/test_ecmwf_releases/odb_api_bundle-0.15.2-Source/ecbuild
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/metapp/ecbuild/2.4.0/gnu/
make check
make install

eckit (0.14.0)

cd $HOME/test_ecmwf_releases/odb_api_bundle-0.15.2-Source/eckit
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/metapp/eckit/0.14.0/gnu/ -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=$HOME/metapp/ecbuild/2.4.0/gnu/share/ecbuild/cmake
make -j 4
make check
make install

metkit (0.3.0)

cd $HOME/test_ecmwf_releases/odb_api_bundle-0.15.2-Source/metkit
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/metapp/metkit/0.3.0/gnu/ -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=$HOME/metapp/ecbuild/2.4.0/gnu/share/ecbuild/cmake/ -DECKIT_PATH=$HOME/metapp/eckit/0.14.0/gnu/
make -j 4
make check
make install

libemos (4.4.2)

cd $HOME/test_ecmwf_releases/libemos-4.4.2-Source
mkdir build
cd build/
make check
make install

"Main" software packages

These instructions assume you have access to the ODB-API and COPE ECMWF git repositories. The default install location for software packages is in $HOME/metapp/.

odb (40t1.01)

ECMWF maintain a "standalone" version of ODB software that is compiled with cmake. A 40t1 tag, 40t1.01, has been created to support the flavour of ODB used by harmonie-40h1.1.

cd $HOME/test_ecmwf_releases
git clone https://dui@software.ecmwf.int/stash/scm/odb/odb.git
cd $HOME/test_ecmwf_releases/odb
git pull
git archive --format=tar -o $HOME/test_ecSource/odb-40t1.01-Source.tar --prefix=odb-40t1.01/ 40t1.01
cd $HOME/test_ecSource
tar -xvf odb-40t1.01-Source.tar
cd odb-40t1.01/
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/metapp/odb/40t1.01/gnu/ -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=$HOME/metapp/ecbuild/2.4.0/gnu/share/ecbuild/cmake/ -DODB_SCHEMAS="ECMA;CCMA"
make -j 8
make check
make install

ODB API (0.15.4)

ODB API is a software developed at ECMWF for encoding and processing of observational data. It includes a SQL filtering and statistics engine, command line tools and APIs for C/C++, Fortran and Python. ODB API works with data format used in ECMWF observational feedback archive. Development of ODB API has been partially funded by the Met Office. More details here

ODB API provides is required by COPE as well as for ODB2 to ODB1 conversion.

cd $HOME/test_ecmwf_releases
git clone https://dui@software.ecmwf.int/stash/scm/odb/odb_api.git
cd $HOME/test_ecmwf_releases/odb_api
git pull
git archive --format=tar -o $HOME/test_ecSource/odb_api-0.15.4-Source.tar --prefix=odb_api-0.15.4/ 0.15.4
cd $HOME/test_ecSource
tar -xvf odb_api-0.15.4-Source.tar
cd odb_api-0.15.4/
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/metapp/odb_api/0.15.4/gnu/ -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=$HOME/metapp/ecbuild/2.4.0/gnu/share/ecbuild/cmake/  -DECKIT_PATH=$HOME/metapp/eckit/0.14.0/gnu/ -DMETKIT_PATH=$HOME/metapp/metkit/0.3.0/gnu -DENABLE_MIGRATOR=ON -DODB_PATH=$HOME/metapp/odb/40t1.01/gnu -DENABLE_FORTRAN=ON -DENABLE_PYTHON=ON -DENABLE_NETCDF=ON
make -j 8
make check
make install

b2o (40t1.01)

b2o is a library and command line tool to extract ODB data from BUFR files. A 40t1 tag, 40t1.01, has been created to support the flavour of ODB used by harmonie-40h1.1.

cd $HOME/test_ecmwf_releases
git clone https://dui@software.ecmwf.int/stash/scm/cope/b2o.git
cd b2o
git pull
git archive --format=tar -o $HOME/test_ecSource/b2o-40t1.01-Source.tar --prefix=b2o-40t1.01/ 40t1.01
cd $HOME/test_ecSource
tar -xvf b2o-40t1.01-Source.tar
cd b2o-40t1.01/
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/metapp/b2o/40t1.01/gnu/ -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=$HOME/metapp/ecbuild/2.4.0/gnu/share/ecbuild/cmake/ -DLIBEMOS_PATH=$HOME/metapp/libemos/4.4.2/gnu/ -DECKIT_PATH=$HOME/metapp/eckit/0.14.0/gnu/ -DODB_API_PATH=$HOME/metapp/odb_api/0.15.4/gnu
make -j 4
make check
make install


These instructions are based on building the develop branch of COPE. If you wish to use a tagged version you must use version 0.5.3 or greater.

cd $HOME/test_ecmwf_releases
git clone https://dui@software.ecmwf.int/stash/scm/cope/cope.git
cd $HOME/test_ecmwf_releases/cope
git pull
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/metapp/cope/develop/gnu -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=$HOME/metapp/ecbuild/2.4.0/gnu/share/ecbuild/cmake/ -DECKIT_PATH=$HOME/metapp/eckit/0.14.0/gnu/ -DODB_API_PATH=$HOME/metapp/odb_api/0.15.4/gnu -DB2O_PATH=$HOME/metapp/b2o/40t1.01/gnu -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$HOME/metapp/libemos/4.4.2/gnu/
make -j 4
make install


The use of COPE in HARMONIE relies on ODB-API, b2o and COPE itself.

  • ODB-API tools must be included in PATH
  • The ECMA.sch used by COPE is maintained in the b2o version described above.
  • mf_vertco_type specific changes are included in the feature/mfvertcotype branch of COPE
  • scr/Cope includes the setting of the following environment variables which rely on COPE_DIR and B2O_DIR. These can be set in your Env_system file.
export ODB_SCHEMA_FILE=${B2O_DIR}/share/b2o/ECMA.sch
export ODB_CODE_MAPPINGS=${B2O_DIR}/share/b2o/odb_code_mappings.dat
export ODBCODEMAPPINGS=${B2O_DIR}/share/b2o/odb_code_mappings.dat