Variable names for MUSC output

List of parameters copied from variable_list.csv

short namevariable namelong nameunit
lwdwPFRTHDSlong wave downward radiation at surfaceW/m2
lwupPFRTHlong wave upward radiation at surfaceW/m2
swdwPFRSODSshort wave downward radiation at surfaceW/m2
swupPFRSOshort wave upward radiation at surfaceW/m2
shfPFCSsensible heat fluxW/m2
lhfPFCLNlatent heat fluxW/m2
evapZLH_fluxevaporation+sublimation fluxmm/day
evap2PFEVLevaporation+sublimation fluxmm/day
ustarZUSTARfriction velocitym/s
rainPREC_TOTprecipitation (liq+sol) ratemm/day
psurfPAPRSsurface PressurePa
hpblPCLPHboundary layer heightm
hpbl2KCLPHboundary layer heightm
tsurfPTSsurface temperatureK
t2mPTCLS2 m temperatureK
q2mPQCLS2 m specific humidityKg/Kg
rh2mPRHCLS2 m relative humidity[0-100]
u10mPUCLS1 0m u-componentm/s
v10mPVCLS10m v-componentm/s
t3mPT_03temperature at 3.30 meter above the surfaceK
q3mPQ_03specific humidity at 3.30 meterKg/Kg
rh3mPRH_03relative humidity at 3.30 meter[0-100]
u3mPU_03u-component at 3.30 meterm/s
v3mPV_03v-component at 3.30 meterm/s
t42mPT_42temperature at 41.90 meter above the surfaceK
q42mPQ_42specific humidity at 41.90 meterKg/Kg
rh42mPRH_42relative humidity at 41.90 meter[0-100]
u42mPU_42u-component at 41.90 meterm/s
v42mPV_42v-component at 41.90 meterm/s
ccPCLCTtotal cloud cover fraction0 1
tsurfPTSSurface temperatureK
alb_surfTALB_ISBAsurface albedo-
z0mPGZ0Momentum roughness lengthm
z0hPGZ0HHeat roughness lengthm
emisPEMISsurface emissivity[0-1]
emisEMISsurface emissivity[0-1]
zfPAPHIFAltitude of layer mid-points at t=0 (full-level)m
pfPAPRSFPressure of layer mid-points at t=0 (full-level)Pa
thTHETApotential temperatureK
qPQspecific humiditykg/kg
uPUzonal wind componentm/s
vPVmeridional wind componentm/s
ugeoZFUGEOu-component geostrophic windm/s
vgeoZFVGEOv-component geostrophic windm/s
dudt_lsZFUu-component advectionm/s/s
dvdt_lsZFVv-component advectionm/s/s
dtdt_lsZFTtemperature advectionK/s
dqdt_lsZFQmoisture advectionKg/Kg/s
wZWvertical movementm/s
zhhPAPHIheight of half levelm
phhPAPRSpressure of half levelPa
kmZKMEddy diffusivity momentumm2/s
khZKHEddy diffusivity momentumm2/s
dT_dt_radZDTRADtemperature tendency from radiationK/d
TKEPECTturbulent kinetic energy$m^2/s^2$
shearZPRDYshear production$m^2/s^3$
buoyZPRTHbuoyancy production$m^2/s^3$
transZDIFFtotal transport$m^2/s^3$