Run MUSC with EMS
These instructions require the use of dev-CY46h1.
If you find any issues with any of the instructions or scripts, feel free to notify Emily Gleeson ( and Eoin Whelan (
In this section a description of how to install and run MUSC using EMS is provided. This is based on compilation and execution in a Ubuntu 20.04 container (tested using Apptainer on the ECMWF Atos HPC) and use of the EMS system to execute MUSC and convert the output to NetCDF. EMS is primarily developed by Romain Roehrig (Météo France)
Start your container
- Log in to hpc-login on the Atos
- Load the Apptainer module and start the Ubuntu 20.04 container:
module load apptainer
Further details concerning Apptainer on the Atos are available here
Compile the code
I (Eoin) have not had time to sort out compilation using CMake but the following instructions provide a minimalist approach to compile the code using makeup. These instructions depend on you having a clone or copy of Harmonie (dev-46h1) in your $PERM
directory on Atos where GHUSER is your Github username.
cd $PERM
git clone$GHUSER/Harmonie.git harmonie_git/$GHUSER/dev-CY46h1 -b dev-CY46h1
(Ensure that your fork is up-to-date before doing this or else take the code from the main
CY46 repo. Note that to run GABLS1 you need to use two updated surfex subroutines `tszo.F90`
and `read_pgd_tsz0_parn.F90`. You can copy these files from util/musc/patches as follows:
cp $PERM/harmonie_git/$GHUSER/dev-CY46h1/util/musc/patches/tsz0.F90 $PERM/harmonie_git/$GHUSER/dev-CY46h1/src/surfex/SURFEX/tsz0.F90
cp $PERM/harmonie_git/$GHUSER/dev-CY46h1/util/musc/patches/read_pgd_tsz0_parn.F90 $PERM/harmonie_git/$GHUSER/dev-CY46h1/src/surfex/SURFEX/read_pgd_tsz0_parn.F90
or by using git apply gabls.patch).
Compile the code in your code checkout/copy:
cd $PERM/harmonie_git/$GHUSER/dev-CY46h1
EXP=$(basename $(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD))
. config-sh/config.ubuntu20_nompi
util/makeup/build -n 4 config.${HARMONIE_CONFIG}
mkdir ${EXP}
mv makeup.${HARMONIE_CONFIG} bin configlog.1 makelog.1 ${EXP}/
Install EMS
The following instructions provide details on how to download a HIRLAM version of EMS and install locally in your own account:
cd $HOME
git clone -b hirlam EMS_git/EMS
cd EMS_git/EMS/
mkdir build
cd build/
export EMS_DIR=$HOME/metapp/ems
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$EMS_DIR && make && ctest && make install
export PATH=${EMS_DIR}/bin:$PATH
For GABLS1 in prep_nam_sfx.py_orig
the following lines need to be commented out:
nam[nn]['XUNIF_CLAY'] = ['1.']
nam[nn]['XUNIF_SAND'] = ['0.']
nam[nn]['XUNIF_RUNOFFB'] = ['0.5']
nam[nn]['XHUG_SURF'] = ['-10.']
nam[nn]['XHUG_ROOT'] = ['-10.']
nam[nn]['XHUG_DEEP'] = ['-10.']
Here are some instructions on how to use EMS to execute idealised cases
export EMS_DIR=$HOME/metapp/ems
export PATH=${EMS_DIR}/bin:$PATH
mkdir $HOME/ems_exec
cd $HOME/ems_exec
cp ${EMS_DIR}/share/config/ .
### edit his file to point to your binaries
# -config -case $CASE -subcase $SUBCASE -config -case ARMCU -subcase REF
Output and log file can be found in $HOME/ems_exec/simulations/46t1/46h1_HARMAROME_DEV/${CASE}/${SUBCASE}
EMS Cases
The table below lists the cases available in EMS and results of early tests.
Case | Status | Reference(s) |
GABLS1 REF | ❌[1] | |
GABLS1 MESONH | ❌[1] | |
GABLS4 STAGE3 | ❌[1] | |
GABLS4 STAGE3-SHORT | ❌[1] | |
AYOTTE 00SC | ✔️ | |
AYOTTE 00WC | ✔️ | |
AYOTTE 03SC | ✔️ | |
AYOTTE 05SC | ✔️ | |
AYOTTE 05WC | ✔️ | |
AYOTTE 24SC | ✔️ | |
IHOP REF | ✔️ | |
SCMS REF | ✔️ | |
RICO SHORT | ✔️ | |
RICO MESONH | ✔️ | |
ARMCU REF | ✔️ | |
ARMCU E3SM | ✔️ | |
BOMEX REF | ❌[2] | |
MPACE REF | ✔️ | |
FIRE REF | ✔️ | |
SANDU REF | ✔️ | |
SANDU FAST | ✔️ | |
SANDU SLOW | ✔️ | |
AMMA REF | ✔️ | |
DYNAMO NSA3A | ✔️ | Takes a long time! |
DYNAMO NSA3A_D1 | ✔️ | |
DYNAMO NSA3A_D30 | ❌[3] | |
Analysing results using Atlas
Still in the Apptainer container
cd $HOME
git clone -b hirlam SCM-atlas_git/ewhelan/hirlam
export PATH=$HOME/SCM-atlas_git/ewhelan/hirlam/apptools:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/SCM-atlas_git/ewhelan/hirlam:$PYTHONPATH
export ATLAS_CONFIG=""
mkdir -p $HOME/Atlas
cd $HOME/Atlas
mkdir config
cp $HOME/SCM-atlas_git/ewhelan/hirlam/examples/config/ config/
### edit config/ -config config/