MUSC Forcing

From Eric Bazile: The fields SXXXFORC0001 –> SXXXFORC00NN in the initial file for MUSC are the atmospheric forcing without any rules for variables or advection etc ...

  • XXX = vertical levels
  • NN = number of forcing fields

So if you put for NN=1 the temperature and QV in 2, and the geostrophic wind ug (3) and Vg (4) and you want to force MUSC for 48h with a nudging for T and Q and a geostrophic wind you should add in the MUSC namelist

   LSFROCS= FALSE ; default ONLY for surface forcing without SURFEX
   NGFL_FORC=4 ; number of atmospheric forcing fields
  LGEOST_UV_FRC=.TRUE.,  ; geostrophic wind forcing
  NGEOST_U_DEB=3,   ; Ug is in position 3 in GFL_FORC
  NGEOST_U_NUM=1,   ; ONLY 1 Ug available 
  NGEOST_V_DEB=4,   ; Vg is in position 4 in GFL_FORC
  NGEOST_V_NUM=1,   ; ONLY one Vg available
 LT_NUDG=.TRUE.,    : Nudging for T
 LQV_NUDG=.TRUE.,   ; Nudging for Qv
 RELAX_TAUT=43200.  ; Relaxation time for Nudging for T
 RELAX_TAUQ=43200.  ; same  for Q
 NT_NUDG_NUM=1      ; Number of nudging profile for T 
 NT_NUDG_DEB=1      ; Profile 1 used for the nudging of T
 NQV_NUDG_NUM=1     ; Number of nudging profile for Q
 NQV_NUDG_DEB=2     ; Profile 2 used for nudging Qv

Here you can run MUSC for 1 day or 100 years with the same nudging profile and geostrophic wind !

So it is fully flexible BUT the user should know how the initial profile was created and which fields are in FORC00NN etc ....

After you can have several nudging profile (for several time) instead of one profile used for all the simulation. You just need to put the number of profile For ex you have 5 profiles for T for the nudging at 0, 6, 12 18 24. and if you put the T profile 0 in 1, etc ... the modified namelist

   NGFL_FORC=8 ; number of atmospheric forcing fields
  LGEOST_UV_FRC=.TRUE.,  ; geostrophic wind forcing
  NGEOST_U_DEB=7,   ; Ug is in position 3 in GFL_FORC
  NGEOST_U_NUM=1,   ; ONLY 1 Ug available 
  NGEOST_V_DEB=8,   ; Vg is in position 4 in GFL_FORC
  NGEOST_V_NUM=1,   ; ONLY one Vg available
 LT_NUDG=.TRUE.,    : Nudging for T
 LQV_NUDG=.TRUE.,   ; Nudging for Qv
 RELAX_TAUT=43200.  ; Relaxation time for Nudging for T
 RELAX_TAUQ=43200.  ; same  for Q
 NT_NUDG_NUM=5      ; Number of nudging profile for T 
 NT_NUDG_DEB=1      ; Profile 1 used for the nudging of T
 NQV_NUDG_NUM=1     ; Number of nudging profile for Q
 NQV_NUDG_DEB=6     ; Profile 2 used for nudging Qv
 NL_T_NUDG_TIME(1) = 0
 NL_T_NUDG_TIME(2) = 21600
NL_T_NUDG_TIME(3) = 43200
NL_T_NUDG_TIME(4) = 64800
NL_T_NUDG_TIME(5) = 86400

and now you can not run MUSC more than 1 day ... if the time between the forcing profile is the same you can use *_FREQ instead of TIME ...