Parameter list and GRIB definitions

HARMONIE system output

The HARMONIE system writes its primary output, in FA format, to the upper air history files ICMSHHARM+llll and the SURFEX history files ICMSHHARM+llll.sfx, where HARM is the four-character experiment identifier set in the configuration file config_exp.h, and llll is normally the current timestep in hours. The files are designed to be complete snapshots of respective model state described by the system for a particular time point. In addition more model output including post-processing/diagnostic fields can be written out during the forecast model integration, such as those model diagnostics or pressure level diagnostics, also in FA format, as PFHARMDOMAIN+llll. The FA files can be considered to be internal format files. All of them can be converted to GRIB files during the run for external usage. The name convention is as follows:

  • Forecast upper air history files: ICMSHHARM+llll -> fcYYYYMMDDHH+lll_grib (GRIB1) or fcYYYYMMDDHH+lll_grib2 (GRIB2)
  • Forecast Surfex history files: ICMSHHARM+llll.sfx -> fcYYYYMMDDHH+lll_grib_sfx (GRIB1 only)
  • Forecast Surfex selected output: ICMSSELE+llll.sfx -> fcYYYYMMDDHH+lll_grib_sfxs (GRIB1 only)
  • Postprocess files: PFHARMDOMAIN+llll.hfp -> fcYYYYMMDDHH+lllgrib_fp (GRIB1) or fcYYYYMMDDHH+lllgrib2_fp (GRIB2)
  • Analysis upper air history files: ICMSHANAL+0000 -> anYYYYMMDDHH+000grib (GRIB1) or anYYYYMMDDHH+000grib2 (GRIB2) (1)
  • Analysis SURFEX history files: ICMSHANAL+0000.sfx -> sa2019041600+000grib_sfx (only GRIB1 for the time being)

GRIB1 table 2 version in HARMONIE

To avoid conflicts with archived HIRLAM data HARMONIE uses version 253 of table 2. The table is based on the standard WMO version 3 of table 2 and postion 000-127 is kept the same as in the WMO. Note that accumulated and instantaneous versions of the same parameter differ only by the time range indicator. It is thus not sufficient to specify parameter, type and level when you refer to an accumulated parameter, but the time range indicator has to be included as well.

The translation of SURFEX files to GRIB1 is still incomplete and contains several WMO violations. This is not changed in the current release but will revised later. However, the upper air history file also includes the most common surface parameters and should be sufficient for most users.

The current table 2 version 253 definition files for gribapi can be found in `util/glgrib_api/definitions/`. These local definition files assume centre=233 (Dublin) and should be copied to your own GRIB-API installation. You are strongly recommended to set your own code for generating centre fore operational usage of the data.


The possibility to convert to GRIB2 has been introduced in release-43h2. So far the conversion is restricted to atmospheric history and fullpos files only. To get the output in GRIB2 set ARCHIVE_FORMAT=GRIB2 in ecf/config_exp.h. Please notice that if ARCHIVE_FORMAT=GRIB2 is selected, SURFEX files will be converted to GRIB1 anyway (for the time being). To convert from GRIB1 with GRIB2 using grib_filter we have to tell EcCodes how to translate the parameters. This is done by using the internal HARMONIE tables and setting

export ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH=$SOME_PATH_TO_GL/gl/definitions:$SOME_PATH_TO_ECCODES/share/eccodes/definitions

Note that there are a few parameters that are not translated to GRIB2 to and those has to be excluded explicitly.

List of parameters

header abbreviations in the tables:

abbr.descriptionsee table
lvTlevelTypelevel types
iOPindicatorOfParameterindicator of parameter
sTstepTypetime range indicator

3D model state variables on model levels (1-NLEV), levelType=hybrid

FA nameshortNameNCnamelvTiOPdpCpNlevsTunitsdescription
SNNNHUMI.SPECIFIqhushy510101inskg/kgSpecific humidity
SNNNLIQUID_WATERcwat_condclwhy7601831inskg/kgSpecific cloud liquid water content
SNNNSOLID_WATERciwc_condclihy5801841inskg/kgSpecific cloud ice water content
SNNNSNOWsnow_cond#hy18401861inskg/kgSpecific snow water content
SNNNRAINrain_cond#hy18101851inskg/kgSpecific rain water content
SNNNGRAUPELgrpl_cond#hy20101321inskg/kgSpecific graupel
SNNNTKEtketkehy200019111insJ/kgTurbulent Kinetic Energy
SNNNCLOUD_FRACTItccclthy71061921ins0-1Total cloud cover
SNNNPRESS.DEPARTpdep#hy2120381insPaPressure departure
SNNNVERTIC.DIVERvdiv#hy213021921inss-1Vertical Divergence
SNNNWIND.U.PHYSuuahy330221insm/su-component of wind
SNNNWIND.V.PHYSvvahy340231insm/sv-component of wind

2D Surface, prognostic/diagnostic near-surface and soil variables, levelType=heightAboveGround

FA nameshortNameNCnamelvTiOPdpCpNlevsTunitsdescription
SURFPRESSIONprespshag10300insPaSurface pressure
SURFTEMPERATUREtts_radhag110000insKSurface temperature
CLSTEMPERATUREttashag110002insKTemperature at 2m
CLSMAXI.TEMPERATtmaxtasmaxhag150002maxKMaximum temperature (FREQ_RESET_TEMP)
CLSMINI.TEMPERATtmintasminhag160002minKMinimum temperature (FREQ_RESET_TEMP)
CLSVENT.ZONALuuashag3302210insm/su-component of wind at 10m, relative to model coordinates
CLSVENT.MERIDIENvvashag3402310insm/sv-component of wind at 10m, relative to model coordinates
CLSHUMI.SPECIFIQqhusshag510102inskg/kgSpecific humidity at 2m
CLSHUMI.RELATIVErhurshag52011922ins0-1Relative humidity at 2m
SURFRESERV.NEIGEsdwesnwhag6501600inskg/m2Snow depth water equivalent
CLPMHAUT.MOD.XFUmldzmlahag6701930insmHeight (in meters) of the PBL out of the model
SURFNEBUL.TOTALEtccclt_inshag71061920ins0-1Total cloud cover
SURFNEBUL.CONVECcccclc_inshag72061930ins0-1Convective cloud cover
SURFNEBUL.BASSElcccll_inshag73061940ins0-1Low cloud cover
SURFNEBUL.MOYENNmccclm_inshag74061950ins0-1Medium cloud cover
SURFNEBUL.HAUTEhccclh_inshag75061960ins0-1High cloud cover
SURFRAYT.SOLAIREswavr#hag1160470insW/m2Instantaneous surface solar radiation (SW down global) Parameter identifier was 116, again is???
SURFRAYT.TERRESTlwavr#hag1150540insW/m2Instantaneous longwave radiation flux
SURFCAPE.MOD.XFUcapecapehag1600760insJ/kgModel output CAPE (not calculated by AROME physics)
SURFDIAGHAILxhail#hag161012030ins0-1AROME hail diagnostic, LXXDIAGH = .TRUE.
CLSU.RAF.MOD.XFUugstugshag162022310maxm/sU-momentum of gusts from the model. LXXGST = .TRUE. in NAMXFU. gives gust between current and previous output time step (FREQ_RESET_GUST)
CLSV.RAF.MOD.XFUvgstvgshag163022410maxm/sV-momentum of gusts from the model. LXXGST = .TRUE. in NAMXFU. gives gust between current and previous output time step (FREQ_RESET_GUST)
SURFINSPLUIErain#hag18101650inskg/m2Instantaneous rain
SURFINSNEIGEsnow#hag18401530inskg/m2Instantaneous snow
SURFINSGRAUPELgrpl#hag20101750inskg/m2Instantaneous graupel
CLSMINI.HUMI.RELrmn2m#hag2410112min0-1Minimum relative moisture at 2m over 3h
CLSMAXI.HUMI.RELrmx2m#hag2420112max0-1Maximum relative moisture at 2m over 3h
CLSRAFALES.POSfgwsgsmaxhag228022210maxm/sGust wind speed

2D Surface, accumulated near-surface and soil variables

Note that all these are coded with stepType=accum

FA nameshortNameNCnamelvTiOPdpCpNlevsTunitsdescription
S065RAYT SOL CLcssw#hy130041165accJ/m2SW net clear sky rad
S065RAYT THER CLcslw#hy13105665accJ/m2LW net clear sky rad
SURFACCGRAUPELgrplprgrplhag20101750acckg/m2Accumulated graupel
SURFACCNEIGEsnowprsnhag18401530acckg/m2Accumulated snowfall
SURFACCPLUIErainprrainhag18101650acckg/m2Accumulated rain
SURFDIR NORM IRRdneridshag1403630accJ/m2Direct normal exposure
SURFFLU.CHA.SENSshfhfsshag12200110accJ/m2Sensible heat flux
SURFFLU.LAT.MEVAlhehfls_evahag132011930accJ/m2Latent heat flux through evaporation
SURFFLU.LAT.MSUBlhsubhfls_sblhag244012020accJ/kgLatent Heat Sublimation
SURFFLU.MEVAP.EAwevapevspsblhag2450160acckg/m2Water evaporation
SURFFLU.MSUBL.NEsnsubsbl_snowhag24601620acckg/m2Snow sublimation
SURFFLU.RAY.SOLAnswrsrsnshag1110490accJ/m2Net shortwave radiation flux (surface)
SURFFLU.RAY.THERnlwrsrlnshag1120550accJ/m2Net longwave radiation flux (surface)
SURFRAYT DIR SURswavrrsdsdirhag1160470accJ/m2Shortwave radiation flux
SURFRAYT SOLA DEgradrsdshag1170430accJ/m2Global radiation flux
SURFRAYT THER DElwavrrldshag1150540accJ/m2Longwave radiation flux
SURFTENS.TURB.MEvflxtauvhag125021990accN/m2Momentum flux, v-component
SURFTENS.TURB.ZOuflxtauuhag124021980accN/m2Momentum flux, u-component

2D TOA, diagnostic and accumulated variables, levelType=nominalTop

FA nameshortNameNCnamelvTiOPdpCpNlevsTunitsdescription
SOMMFLU.RAY.SOLAnswrtrsntnt1130490accJ/m2Net shortwave radiation flux(
SOMMFLU.RAY.THERnlwrtrlntnt1140550accJ/m2Net longwave radiation flux(
SOMMRAYT.SOLAIREnswrt#nt1130490insW/m2Net shortwave radiation flux(
SOMMRAYT.TERRESTnlwrt#nt1140550insW/m2Net longwave radiation flux(
SOMMRAYT SOL CLcsswrsntcsnt13004110accJ/m2TOA Net shortwave clear sky radiation(
SOMMRAYT THER CLcslwrlntcsnt1310560accJ/m2TOA Net longwave clear sky radiation(
TOPRAYT DIR SOMswavrrsdtnt1160470accJ/m2TOA Accumulated SW down radiation Parameter identifier was 117
SOMMTBOZCLEARbtozcs#nt170-1-1-10-KBrightness temperature OZ clear
SOMMTBOZCLOUDbtozcl#nt171-1-1-10-KBrightness temperature OZ cloud
SOMMTBIRCLEARbtircs#nt172-1-1-10-KBrightness temperature IR clear
SOMMTBIRCLOUDbtircl#nt173-1-1-10-KBrightness temperature IR cloud
SOMMTBWVCLEARbtwvcs#nt174-1-1-10-KBrightness temperature WV clear
SOMMTBWVCLOUDbtwvcl#nt175-1-1-10-KBrightness temperature WV cloud

2D Surface, Postprocessed variables (fullpos)

FA nameshortNameNCnamelvTiOPdpCpNlevsTunitsdescription
SURFCAPE.POS.F00capecapehag1600760insJ/kgConvective available potential energy (CAPE)
SURFCIEN.POS.F00cincinhag1650770insJ/kgConvective inhibition (CIN)
SURFLIFTCONDLEVlcl#ac1670360insmLifting condensation level (LCL)
SURFFREECONVLEVlfc#lfc1680360insmLevel of free convection (LFC)
SURFEQUILIBRLEVlnb#lnb1690360insmLevel of neutral buoyancy (LNB)

2D Surface, constant near-surface and soil variables

FA nameshortNameNCnamelvTiOPdpCpNlevsTunitsdescription
SPECSURFGEOPOTENzphis_shag60340insm2/s2Geopotential relative to mean sea level. "... contains a GRID POINT orography which is the interpolation of the departure orography"
SURFIND.TERREMERlsmlsmhag812000ins0-1Land-sea mask
SURFAEROS.SEAaers#hag2510131920inskg/kgSurface aerosol sea (Marine aerosols, locally defined GRIB)
SURFAEROS.LANDaerl#hag2520131930inskg/kgSurface aerosol land (Continental aerosols, locally defined GRIB)
SURFAEROS.SOOTaerc#hag2530131940inskg/kgSurface carbon aerosol (Carbone aerosols, locally defined GRIB)
SURFAEROS.DESERTaerd#hag2540131950inskg/kgSurface aerosol desert (Desert aerosols, locally defined GRIB)
SURFAEROS.VOLCAN##hag197-1-1-1-1Surface aerosol volcan (Stratospheric ash, to be locally defined GRIB)
SURFAEROS.SULFAT##hag198-1-1-1-1Surface aerosol sulfate (Stratospheric sulfate, to be locally defined GRIB)
SURFA.OF.OZONEao#hag2480141920inskg/kgA Ozone, First ozone profile (A), locally defined GRIB
SURFB.OF.OZONEbo#hag2490141930inskg/kgB Ozone, Second ozone profile (B), locally defined GRIB
SURFC.OF.OZONEco#hag2500141940inskg/kgC Ozone, Third ozone profile (C), locally defined GRIB
PROFTEMPERATUREslt#dbl8523180insKSoil Temperature
PROFRESERV.EAUsm#dbl8623200inskg/m2Deep Soil Wetness
PROFPROP.RMAX.EAswv#dbl23823250inskg/m2Climate relaxed deep soil wetness
PROFRESERV.GLACEwsoice#dbl19323220inskg/m2Deep soil ice

2D variables on special surfaces

FA nameshortNameNCnamelvTiOPdpCpNlevsTunitsdescription
KT273ISOT_ALTITh#isot803627315insmAltitude of 0-degree isotherm
KT263ISOT_ALTITh#isot803626315insmAltitude of -10-degree isotherm
SURFISOTPW0.MALTh#isot0wb80360insmAltitude of iso-tprimw=0
SURFTOT.WAT.VAPOwvintprwea5401640inskg/m2Total column integral water vapour
WFPOWERINSwfpower_inswfpower_insea21102390insMWWind power production, instantaneous (LWINDFARM=.TRUE. in NAMPHY)
WFPOWERACCwfpower_accwfpower_accea21102390accMJWind power production, accumulated (LWINDFARM=.TRUE. in NAMPHY)

Postprocessed variables on different surface types

Through the postprocessing sofware fullpos HARMONIE offers a number of variables postprocessed on different surface types. For the current choice of variables, surfaces and levels please see scr/

State variables and diagnostics on pressure levels, leveltype=isobaricInhPa

FA nameshortNameNCnamelvTiOPdpCpNlevsTunitsdescription
PNNNNNWIND.U.PHYuuapl33022NNNNNinsm/su-component of wind
PNNNNNWIND.V.PHYvvapl34023NNNNNinsm/sv-component of wind
PNNNNNHUMI.SPECIqhuspl51010NNNNNinskg/kgSpecific humidity
PNNNNNLIQUID_WATcwat_condclwpl760183NNNNNinskg/kgSpecific cloud liquid water content
PNNNNNSOLID_WATEciwc_condclipl580184NNNNNinskg/kgSpecific cloud ice water content
PNNNNNCLOUD_FRACtcc#pl7106192NNNNNins0-1Total cloud cover
PNNNNNSNOWsnow_cond#pl1840186NNNNNinskg/kgSpecific snow water content
PNNNNNRAINrain_cond#pl1810185NNNNNinskg/kgSpecific rain water content
PNNNNNGRAUPELgrpl_cond#pl2010132NNNNNinskg/kgSpecific graupel
PNNNNNHUMI_RELATrhurpl5201192NNNNNins0-1Relative humidity
PNNNNNTHETA_PRIMpaptthetaEpl14003NNNNNinsKPseudo-adiabatic potential temperature
PNNNNNTHETA_VIRTvptmp#pl1760015NNNNNinsKVirtual potential temperature
PNNNNNVERT.VELOCwwapl40029NNNNNinsm/sGeometrical vertical velocity
PNNNNNPOT_VORTICpvpvpl40214NNNNNinsK m2/kg/sPotential vorticity
PNNNNNABS_VORTICabsv#pl410210NNNNNinss-1Absolute vorticity
PNNNNNDIVERGENCEd#pl440213NNNNNinss-1Relative divergence
  • NNNNN is in Pascals.
  • From FullPos documentation: "Warning: fields on pressure levels bigger or equal to 1000 hPa are written out with truncated names; for example, temperature at 1000 hPa is P00000TEMPERATURE while P00500TEMPERATURE could be as well the temperature at 5 hPa or the temperature at 1005 hPa!"

State variables and diagnostics on height levels, levelType=heightAboveGround

FA nameshortNameNCnamelvTiOPdpCpNlevsTunitsdescription
HNNNNNWIND.U.PHYuuahag33022NNNNNinsm/su-component of wind
HNNNNNWIND.V.PHYvvahag34023NNNNNinsm/sv-component of wind
HNNNNNLIQUID_WATcwat_condclwhag760183NNNNNinskg/kgSpecific cloud liquid water content
HNNNNNSOLID_WATEciwc_condclihag580184NNNNNinskg/kgSpecific cloud ice water content
HNNNNNCLOUD_FRACtccclthag7106192NNNNNins0-1Total cloud cover
HNNNNNSNOWsnow_cond#hag1840186NNNNNinskg/kgSpecific snow water content
HNNNNNRAINrain_cond#hag1810185NNNNNinskg/kgSpecific rain water content
HNNNNNGRAUPELgrpl_cond#hag2010132NNNNNinskg/kgSpecific graupel
HNNNNNHUMI_RELATrhurhag5201192NNNNNins0-1Relative humidity
  • NNNNN is in meters.

State variables and diagnostics on PV levels, GRIB1 level type 117, levelType=potentialVorticity

FA nameshortNameNCnamelvTiOPdpCpNlevsTunitsdescription
VNNNHUMI_RELATIVr#pv5201192NNNins0-1Relative humidity
VNNNHUMI.SPECIFIq#pv51010NNNinskg/kgSpecific humidity
VNNNWIND.U.PHYSu#pv33022NNNinsm/su-component of wind
VNNNWIND.V.PHYSv#pv34023NNNinsm/sv-component of wind
VNNNVITESSE_VERTomega#pv39028NNNinsPa/sPressure vertical velocity (DYNAMICS=h)
VNNNVERT.VELOCITw#pv40029NNNinsm/sGeometrical vertical velocity (DYNAMICS=nh)
VNNNTEMPE_POTENTpt#pv13002NNNinsKPotential temperature
VNNNABS_VORTICITabsv#pv410210NNNinss-1Absolute vorticity
VNNNDIVERGENCEd#pv440213NNNinss-1Relative divergence
VNNNTHETAPRIMWpapt#pv14003NNNinsKPseudo-adiabatic potential temperature
  • "pv" stream is not available by default
  • NNN is in deci-PVU (1PVU = 1x10-6 K m2 kg-1 s-1) in FA files. PV levels must be in SI units in namelists
  • GRIB1 levels are in milli-PVU. Currently gl does not convert devi-PVU (FA) to milli-PVU (GRIB1)

State variables and diagnostics on Theta levels, GRIB1 level type 113, levelType=theta

FA nameshortNameNCnamelvTiOPdpCpNlevsTunitsdescription
TNNNHUMI_RELATIVr#th5201192NNNins0-1Relative humidity
TNNNHUMI.SPECIFIq#th51010NNNinskg/kgSpecific humidity
TNNNWIND.U.PHYSu#th33022NNNinsm/su-component of wind
TNNNWIND.V.PHYSv#th34023NNNinsm/sv-component of wind
TNNNVITESSE_VERTomega#th39028NNNinsPa/sPressure vertical velocity (DYNAMICS=h)
TNNNVERT.VELOCITw#th40029NNNinsm/sGeometrical vertical velocity (DYNAMICS=nh)
TNNNABS_VORTICITabsv#th410210NNNinss-1Absolute vorticity
TNNNPOT_VORTICITpv#th40214NNNinsK m2/kg/sPotential vorticity
TNNNDIVERGENCEd#th440213NNNinss-1Relative divergence
  • "th" stream is not available by default
  • NNN is in Kelvin.

FA fields without any default GRIB1 translation

Some very special fields are left without any default translation. Please see in the gl documentation on how to add you own translation.

FA nameUnitComment
CUF1PRESSURECoupling error field.
THETAPWP_FLUXK m-4 s-1Instantaneous thetaprimwprim surface flux
CLPMOCON.MOD.XFUkg kg-1 s-1MOCON model output
ATMONEBUL.TOTALEAccumulated Total cloud cover.
ATMONEBUL.CONVECAccumulated Convective cloud cover.
ATMONEBUL.BASSEAccumulated Low cloud cover.
ATMONEBUL.MOYENNAccumulated Medium cloud cover.
ATMONEBUL.HAUTEAccumulated High cloud cover.
SURFCFU.Q.TURBULAccumulated contribution of Turbulence to Q.
SURFCFU.CT.TURBULAccumulated contribution of Turbulence to CpT
SUNSHI. DURATIONSunshine duration.
SURFFL.U TURBULContribution of Turbulence to U.
SURFFL.V TURBULContribution of Turbulence to V.
SURFFL.Q TURBULContribution of Turbulence to Q.
SURFFL.CT TURBULContribution of Turbulence to CpT
SNNNSRCSecond order flux.

Variables postprocessed by gl

The following fields are can be generated by gl from a history file and are thus not necessarily available as FA fields in Harmonie's FA output. When calculating these post-processed fields, make sure the required fields to derive them are in the input files! For details, check util/gl/grb/postprocess.f90 & the routines called therein.

Single level fields

FA nameshortNameNCnamelvTiOPdpCpNlevsTunitsdescription
MSLPRESSUREprespslhas10300insPaMSLP. gl calculates MSLP independent of AROME/!FullPos
#tdtdhag170062insKDew point temperature
#wdir#ttt31020lllinsDeg. trueWind direction. gl calculates based on u[33,ttt,lll] and v[34,ttt,lll] wind components
#ws#ttt32021lllinsm/sWind speed. gl calculates based on u[33,ttt,lll] and v[34,ttt,lll] wind components
TOT.WATER.PRECIPtpprhag610180acckg/m2Total precipitation, gl calculates TP![61,105,0]=rain![181,105,0]+snow![184,105,0]+graupel![201,105,0]+hail![204,105,0]
TOT.SOLID.PRECIPtpsolidprsolidhag185012000acckg/m2Total solid precipitation, gl calculates ![185,105,0]=snow![184,105,0]+graupel![201,105,0]+hail![204,105,0]
#mldzmlahag6701930insmMixed layer depth/boundary layer height
#tcc#hag71061922ins0-1Fog, cloud fraction of lowest model level
#icei#hag1350ins-Icing index
#atmiceg#hy??01205insm/sIcing index, Atmospheric ice growth rate
#icei2#hag/?134011940ins-Icing index version 2
#psct#hag/ct?1360400insKPseudo satellite image, cloud top temperature (infrared)
#pstb#hag137041980insKPseudo satellite image, water vapour brightness temperature
#pstbc#hag138041990insKPseudo satellite image, water vapour br. temp. + correction for clouds
#pscw#hag139042000ins-Pseudo satellite image, cloud water reflectivity (visible)
#prtp#hag14401190inscodePrecipitation type, 0:drizzle, 1:rain, 2:sleet, 3:snow, 4:freezing drizzle, 5:freezing rain, 6:graupel, 7:hail
#fg#ttt2280222lllmaxm/sGust wind speed, calculated from ugst & vgst on corresponding level & levelType
#hti#hag1480171930ins-Helicopter Triggered lightning Index
#cat#hag145019220ins-|%CAT (clear air turbulence) index
#bvf#hag1590192020inss-1Brunt Vaisala frequency

Integrated quantities

FA nameshortNameNCnamelvTiOPdpCpNlevsTunitsdescription
TOT.NEB.ICEciwc_vintcliviea5801700inskg/m2Vertical integral of cloud ice
TOT.NEB.WATcwat_vintclqviea7601690inskg/m2Vertical integral of cloud liquid water
#msca#ea133061970ins0-1Mask of significant cloud amount
#cape#hag1600760insJ/kgConvective Available Potential Energy, comes in two flavours, cape_version=1|2, where the second is compatible with the ECMWF version
#cin#hag1650770insJ/kgConvective inhibition, , comes in two flavours, cape_version=1|2, where the second is compatible with the ECMWF version
#rain_vintclrviea18101450inskg/m2Vertical integral of rain
#snow_vintclsviea18401460inskg/m2Vertical integral of snow
#grpl_vintclgviea20101740inskg/m2Vertical integral of garupel
#cb#ea18606110insmCloud base
#ct#ea18706120insmCloud top
#cb38#hag?189061983insmCloud base >3/8
#lgt#ea2090171920insflash/hLightning intensity
#lmxws#ea/mw?1420360insmLevel of max wind speed
#maxucol#ea1640220insm/sMax u-component in column
#maxvcol#ea1770230insm/sMax v-component in column
#lmxice#ea143011990insmIcing index, Level of max icing
#mxicegr#ea141012040ins1Icing index, Max icing growth index (0-4)
#blice#ea14601960insmIcing index, Bottom level of icing
#tlice#ea14701950insmIcing index, Top level of icing
#cat_maxlev#ea1500192010insmLevel of max CAT index
#cat_max#ea1510191970ins-Max CAT index
#cat_b#ea1520191980insmBottom level of CAT
#cat_t#ea1530191990insmTop level of CAT

GRIB encoding information

Time units, WMO code table 4

The following time units are used to encode GRIB edition 1 data

1315 minutes
1430 minutes

Time range indicator, WMO code TABLE 5

0insForecast product valid for reference time + P1 (P1 > 0), or Uninitialized analysis product for reference time (P1 = 0)
2min/maxProduct with a valid time ranging between reference time + P1 and reference time + P2. Used for min/max values
3avgAverage (reference time + P1 to reference time + P2)
4accAccumulation (reference time + P1 to reference time + P2) product considered valid at reference time + P2

Note that fields available as both instanteous and accumulated values like e.g. rain has the same parameter values and can only be distinguished by the time range indicator.

Level types, WMO Code table 3

level typenameabbrWMO/HIRLAM type definitionUnitsnotes
001surfacesfcGround or water surfaceWMO
002cloudBasecbCloud base levelWMO
003cloudTopctLevel of cloud topsWMO
004isothermZeroisot0Level of 0°C isothermWMO
005adiabaticCondensationacLevel of Adiabatic Condensation Lifted from the SurfaceWMO
006maxWindmwMaximum wind levelWMO
020isothermalisotIsothermal levelTemperature in 1/100 KWMO
100isobaricInhPaplIsobaric levelhPaWMO
102meanSeamsAt mean sea level
103heightAboveSeahasSpecified altitude above mean sea levelAltitude in mWMO
105heightAboveGroundhagSpecified height above groundAltitude in mWMO
107sigmaSigma levelSigma value in 1/10000WMO
109hybridhyHybrid levelWMO
113thetathIsentropic (theta) levelPotential temperature in KWMO
117potentialVorticitypvPotential vorticity surface10-9 K m2 kg-1 s-1WMO
200entireAtmosphereeaEntire atmosphere (considered as a single layer)WMO, vertically integrated
levelFreeConvectionlfcas heightAboveGround in GRIB1
levelNeutralBuoyancylnbas heightAboveGround in GRIB1

Harmonie GRIB1 code table 2 version 253 - Indicator of parameter

Below the indicator of parameter code table for the Harmonie model. It is based on the WMO code table 2 version 3 with local parameters added. Parameter indicators 128-254 are reserved for originating center use. Parameter indicators 000-127 should not be altered. In HARMONIE, radiation fluxes are assumed positive downwards (against the recommendation by WMO).

ParDescriptionSI Units
002Pressure reduced to MSLPa
003Pressure tendencyPa s-1
004Potential vorticityK m2 kg-1 s-1
005ICAO Standard Atmosphere reference heightm
006Geopotentialm2 s-2
007Geopotential heightgpm
008Geometrical heightm
009Standard deviation of heightm
010Total ozoneDobson
012Virtual temperatureK
013Potential temperatureK
014Pseudo-adiabatic potential temperatureK
015Maximum temperatureK
016Minimum temperatureK
017Dew-point temperatureK
018Dew-point depression (or deficit)K
019Lapse rateK m-1
021Radar spectra (1)-
022Radar spectra (2)-
023Radar spectra (3)-
024Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa)K
025Temperature anomalyK
026Pressure anomalyPa
027Geopotential height anomalygpm
028Wave spectra (1)-
029Wave spectra (2)-
030Wave spectra (3)-
031Wind directionDegree true
032Wind speedm s-1
033u-component of windm s-1
034v-component of windm s-1
035Stream functionm2 s-1
036Velocity potentialm2 s-1
037Montgomery stream functionm2 s-1
038Sigma coordinate vertical velocitys-1
039Vertical velocityPa s-1
040Vertical velocitym s-1
041Absolute vorticitys-1
042Absolute divergences-1
043Relative vorticitys-1
044Relative divergences-1
045Vertical u-component shears-1
046Vertical v-component shears-1
047Direction of currentDegree true
048Speed of currentm s-1
049u-component of currentm s-1
050v-component of currentm s-1
051Specific humiditykg kg-1
052Relative humidity%
053Humidity mixing ratiokg kg-1
054Precipitable waterkg m-2
055Vapor pressurePa
056Saturation deficitPa
057Evaporationkg m-2
058Cloud icekg m-2
059Precipitation ratekg m-2 s-1
060Thunderstorm probability%
061Total precipitationkg m-2
062Large scale precipitationkg m-2
063Convective precipitationkg m-2
064Snowfall rate water equivalentkg m-2 s-1
065Water equivalent of accumulated snow depthkg m-2
066Snow depthm
067Mixed layer depthm
068Transient thermocline depthm
069Main thermocline depthm
070Main thermocline anomalym
071Total cloud cover%
072Convective cloud cover%
073Low cloud cover%
074Medium cloud cover%
075High cloud cover%
076Cloud waterkg m-2
077Best lifted index (to 500 hPa)K
078Convective snowkg m-2
079Large scale snowkg m-2
080Water temperatureK
081Land cover (1 = land, 0 = sea)Proportion
082Deviation of sea level from meanm
083Surface roughnessm
085Soil temperatureK
086Soil moisture contentkg m-2
088Salinitykg kg-1
089Densitykg m-3
090Water run-offkg m-2
091Ice cover (1 = ice, 0 = no ice)Proportion
092Ice thicknessm
093Direction of ice driftDegree true
094Speed of ice driftm s-1
095u-component of ice driftm s-1
096v-component of ice driftm s-1
097Ice growth ratem s-1
098Ice divergences-1
099Snow meltkg m-2
100Significant height of combined wind waves and swellm
101Direction of wind wavesDegree true
102Significant height of wind wavesm
103Mean period of wind wavess
104Direction of swell wavesDegree true
105Significant height of swell wavesm
106Mean period of swell wavess
107Primary wave directionDegree true
108Primary wave mean periods
109Secondary wave directionDegree true
110Secondary wave mean periods
111Net short-wave radiation flux (surface)W m-2
112Net long-wave radiation flux (surface)W m-2
113Net short-wave radiation flux (top of atmosphere)W m-2
114Net long-wave radiation flux (top of atmosphere)W m-2
115Long-wave radiation fluxW m-2
116Short-wave radiation fluxW m-2
117Global radiation fluxW m-2
118Brightness temperatureK
119Radiance (with respect to wave number)W m-1 sr-1
120Radiance (with respect to wave length)W m-3 sr-1
121Latent heat fluxW m-2
122Sensible heat fluxW m-2
123Boundary layer dissipationW m-2
124Momentum flux, u-componentN m-2
125Momentum flux, v-componentN m-2
126Wind mixing energyJ
127Image data-
128Analysed RMS of PHI (CANARI)m2 s-2
129Forecasted RMS of PHI (CANARI)m2 s-2
130SW net clear sky radW m-2
131LW net clear sky radW m-2
132Latent heat flux through evaporationW m-2
133Mask of significant cloud amount0-1
134Icing index version 2-
135Icing indexCode table
136Pseudo satellite image, cloud top temperature (infrared)K
137Pseudo satellite image, water vapour brightness temperatureK
138Pseudo satellite image, water vapour br. temp. + correction for cloudsK
139Pseudo satellite image, cloud water reflectivity (visible)?
140Direct normal irradianceJ m-2
141Max icing growth index-
142Level of max wind speedm
143Level of max icingm
144Precipition TypeCode table
145CAT index- / %
146Bottom level of icingm
147Top level of icingm
148Helicopter Triggered ligthning Index-
150Level of max CAT indexm
151Max CAT index-
152Bottom level of CATm
153Top level of CATm
154Max Wind speedm s-1
158Surface downward moon radiationW m-2
159ABrunt Vaisala frequencys-1
160CAPEJ kg-1
161AROME hail diagnostic%
162U-momentum of gusts out of the modelm s-1
163V-momentum of gusts out of the modelm s-1
164Max u-component in columnm s-1
165Convective inhibition (CIN)J kg-1
166MOCON out of the modelkg/kg s-1
167Lifting condensation level (LCL)m
168Level of free convection (LFC)m
169Level of neutral boyancy (LNB)m
170Brightness temperature OZ clearK
171Brightness temperature OZ cloudK
172Brightness temperature IR clearK
173Brightness temperature IR cloudK
174Brightness temperature WV clearK
175Brightness temperature WV cloudK
176Virtual potential temperatureK
177Max v-component in columnm s-1
181Rainkg m-2
182Stratiform Rainkg m-2
183Convective Rainkg m-2
184Snowkg m-2
185Total solid precipitationkg m-2
186Cloud basem
187Cloud topm
188Fraction of urban landProportion
189Cloud base >3/8m
190Snow AlbedoProportion
191Snow densitykg/m3
192Water on canopykg/m2
193Soil icekg/m2
195Gravity wave stress U-compN/m2
196Gravity wave stress V-compN/m2
199Vegetation type-
200TKEm2 s-2
201Graupelkg m-2
202Stratiform Graupelkg m-2
203Convective Graupelkg m-2
204Hailkg m-2
205Stratiform Hailkg m-2
206Convective Hailkg m-2
209Lightningflash h-1
210Simulated reflectivitydBz
211Wind power productionMW or MJ
212Pressure departurePa
213Vertical divergences-1
219Surface albedo for non snow covered areasProportion
220Standard deviation of orography * gm2 s-2
221Anisotropy coeff of topography-
222Direction of main axis of topographyrad
223Roughness length of bare surface * gm2 s-2
224Roughness length for vegetation * gm2 s-2
225Fraction of clay within soilProportion
226Fraction of sand within soilProportion
227Maximum proportion of vegetationProportion
228Gust wind speedm s-1
229Albedo of bare groundProportion
230Albedo of vegetationProportion
231Stomatal minimum resistances/m
232Leaf area indexm2/m2
233Thetaprimwprim surface fluxKm/s
234Dominant vegetation index-
235Surface emissivity-
236Maximum soil depthm
237Soil depthm
238Soil wetnesskg/m2
239Thermal roughness length * gm2 s-2
240Resistance to evapotransirations/m
241Minimum relative moisture at 2 meters%
242Maximum relative moisture at 2 meters%
243Duration of total precipitationss
244Latent Heat SublimationW/m2
245Water evaporationkg/m2
246Snow sublimationkg/m2
247Snow history???
248A OZONEkg kg-1
249B OZONEkg kg-1
250C OZONEkg kg-1
251Surface aerosol seakg kg-1
252Surface aerosol landkg kg-1
253Surface aerosol sootkg kg-1
254Surface aerosol desertkg kg-1
255Missing valuen/a

SURFEX output Harmonie GRIB1 code table 2 version 001

Levels are used in the conversion of SURFEX output to GRIB to indicate tile/patch/type/level:

300Extra yet unknown SURFEX variables
301Fraction of each vegetation types on PATCH 1
302Fraction of each vegetation types on PATCH 2
303Fraction of each vegetation types cy43 (ECOCLIMAP-SG)
600Physiography fields?
720Sea ice
730Sea ice (TICE_LL)
770in addition to FLake (or instead of it)
790Patch (*_P fields)
810Gridpoint average
820Surface boundary multi layer fields
830ISBA - patch 1 (X001*, open land)
840ISBA - patch 2 (X002*, forest)
950Town energy balance model (TEB)

A small selection of fields available in the SURFEX output files is shown below.

FA nameshortNameNCnamelvTiOPlevsTunitsdescription
FRAC_SEA#sftofhag32300ins0-1Fraction of sea
FRAC_WATER#sftlafhag33300ins0-1Fraction of water
FRAC_NATURE#sftnfhag34300ins0-1Fraction of nature
FRAC_TOWN#sfturfhag35300ins0-1Fraction of town
COVER002-COVER243##002-2430insECOCLIMAP I cover types
COVER301-COVER573##001-254 & 001-0190insECOCLIMAP II cover types
ZS#oroghag80insmOro hgt.
T2M_SEA#tas_seahag11760insKT2m sea
Q2M_SEA#huss_seahag51760inskg kg-1Q2m sea
MER10M_SEA#vas_seahag34760insm s-1V10m sea
ZON10M_SEA#uas_seahag33760insm s-1U10m sea
T2M_WAT#tas_waterhag11772insKT2m water
Q2M_WAT#huss_waterhag51770inskg kg-1Q2m water
MER10M_WAT#vas_waterhag34770insm s-1V10m water
ZON10M_WAT#uas_waterhag33770insm s-1U10m water
DSNTISBA#sndhag660insmSnow depth
WSNTISBA#snwhag130inskg m-2Total snow reservoir
T2M_ISBA#tas_naturehag11802insKT2m isba
Q2M_ISBA#huss_naturehag51802inskg kg-1Q2m isba
X001T2M_P#tashag11832insKT2m of patch 1
X002T2M_P#tashag11842insKT2m of patch 2
T2M_TEB#tas_townhag11950insKT2m town
T2MMAX_TEB#tasmax_townhag15950maxKMax Temp for town
T2MMIN_TEB#tasmin_townhag16950minKMin Temp for town
TGL#tg_LLLhag11800+insKTemperature of soil layer L(isba)
WGL#wsa_LLLhag86800+insm3 m-3Liquid volumetric water content of soil layer L
WGIL#isa_LLLhag193800+insm3 m-3Frozen volumetric water content of soil layer L
WR#wrhag12800inskg m-2Liquid water retained by foliage (isba)
DGL#dsoil_LLLhag23300insmSoil depth of soil layer L

Harmonie GRIB1 code table 2 version 210

Used for aerosol fields