
scr/Forecast is the script, which initiates actual forecast run (ALADIN/AROME/ALARO depending on FLAG and PHFLAG).

  • Input parameters: none.
  • Data: Boundary files (ELSCF*-files). Initial file (fc_start). If data assimilation is used, fc_start is the analysis file. In case of dynamical adaptation, fc_start is the first boundary file. In case of AROME, Surfex initial file (SURFXINI.lfi) is also needed scr/Prep_ini_surfex.
  • Namelists: namelist templates nam/namelist_fcst${FLAG}_default are fetched based on FLAG and PHFLAG. The templates are completed in scr/Forecast based on the choices of NPROCX, NPROCY (see config-sh/submit.*), TFLAG, OUTINT, BDINT and REDUCELFI. In case of AROME also the namelists to control SURFEX-scheme nam/TEST.des and nam/EXSEG1.nam are needed.
  • Executables: as defined by MODEL.
  • Output: Forecast files (spectral files ICMSHALAD+*). In case of AROME, Surfex files containing the surface data (AROMOUT_*.lfi).

Forecast namelists

The current switches in the HARMONIE system (in ecf/config_exp.h) provide only very limited possibility to control the different aspects of the model. If the user wants to have more detailed control on the specific schemes etc., one has to modify the variety of the namelists options.

In general, the different namelist options are documented in the source code modules (e.g. src/arp/module/*.F90). Below is listed information on some of the choices.

NH-dynamics/advection/time stepping:

  • A detailed overview of the such options has been given by Vivoda (2008).

Upper air physics switches

  • Switches related to different schemes of ALADIN/ALARO physics, src/arp/module/yomphy.F90.
  • Switches related to physics schemes in AROME src/arp/module/yomarphy.F90.
  • Switches to tune different aspects of physics, src/arp/module/yomphy0.F90, src/arp/module/yomphy1.F90, src/arp/module/yomphy2.F90 and src/arp/module/yomphy3.F90
  • Switches related to HIRLAM physics, src/arp/module/yhloption.F90 and src/arp/setup/suhloption.F90.

Initialization switch

  • Initialization is controlled by namelist NAMINI/NEINI, src/arp/module/yomini.F90.

Horizontal diffusion switches

  • Horizontal diffusion is controlled by namelist NAMDYN/RDAMP*, src/arp/module/yomdyn.F90#L55. Larger the coefficient, less diffusion.

MPP switches

  • The number of processors in HARMONIE are given in config-sh/submit.*. These values are transfered in to src/arp/module/yomct0.F90#L276 and src/arp/module/yommp.F90.

Surface SURFEX switches

  • The SURFEX scheme is controlled through namelist settings in nam/ The different options are described here.


Archiving has a two layer structure. Firstly, all the needed analysis forecast and field extract files are stored in ARCHIVE directory by scr/Archive_fc. This is the place where the postprocessing step expects to find the files.

At ECMWF all the requested files are stored to ECFS into directory ECFSLOC by the script scr/Archive_ECMWF