1. To use DDH, set USEDDH="yes" in ecf/config_exp.h

  2. Set TFLAG to minute (min) if you wish to have minute output. Note that the conversion of FA to grib format does not automatically work with this setting

  3. Setting up the namelist (nam/ Below is an example where point data for Dublin is extracted.

    NAMDDH => {
    'LFLEXDIA' => '.TRUE.,', # Must be TRUE
    'BDEDDH(1,01)' => '4.,', # 4 means a point
    'BDEDDH(2,01)' => '1.,',
    'BDEDDH(3,01)' => '-006.000000,', # Dublin lon
    'BDEDDH(4,01)' => '0053.000000,', # Dublin lat
    'LHDGLB' => '.FALSE.,',
    'LHDZON' => '.FALSE.,',
    'LHDDOP' => '.TRUE.,', # Must be TRUE
    'LHDPRG' => '.FALSE.,',
    'LHDPRZ' => '.FALSE.,',
    'LHDPRD' => '.FALSE.,',
    'LHDEFG' => '.FALSE.,',
    'LHDEFZ' => '.FALSE.,',
    'LHDEFD' => '.TRUE.,', # Must be TRUE
    'LHDHKS' => '.TRUE.,', # Must be TRUE
    'LHDMCI' => '.FALSE.,',
    'LHDENT' => '.FALSE.,',
  4. Description of the variables

LHDGLBtype of domain: global domain
LHDZONtype of domain: zonal bands
LHDDOPtype of domain: limited and isolated point
LHDPRGwrite global diagnostics on listing
LHDPRZwrite zonal bands
LHDPRDwrite limited domains diagnostics on listing
LHDEFGwrite global diagnostics on file
LHDEFZwrite zonal bands diagnostics on file
LHDEFDwrite limited domain diagnostic on file
LHDHKSbudget of mass, energy, momentum, RH, soil
LHDMCIbudget of kinetic momentum
LHDENTbudget of entropy