Climate Simulations


The HARMONIE system can also be used for climate simulations: long, continuous runs, without data assimilation. This development started at SMHI and is now continued in the HCLIM consortium.

Some differences between NWP and climate simulations

cyclingcycled runs (e.g. every 3hrs a 48hr run)continuous runs
run lengthfew daysdays - decades (centuries)
data assimilationupper air and surfacenone
boundariesmostly IFS operationalERA5, GCM, RCM, HCLIM
SST/SICconstant during cycleSST updated from boundary files
output formatGRIBNetCDF
output filesper time step with all fieldsper variable with all time steps

Getting the code

Climate simulations can be performed using the regular HARMONIE system. The HCLIM repository contains specific adaptations and new developments for climate simulations.

Relevant settings

This paragraph gives an overview of the most important differences in settings between NWP and climate simulations.


variableclimate settingmeaning
SIMULATION_TYPEclimsimmain switch for NWP/climate simulation, controls e.g. tdf file used and settings
CSNOW3-LType of snow scheme in SURFEX
ANAATMOnoneupper air data assimilation
ANASURFnonesurface data assimilation
SSTSIC_UPDyesupdate SST/SIC from boundary files
BDSTRATEGYera5boundary strategy, ERA5 reanalysis data. Or use different value when downscaling a GCM
NVGRIB2GRIB packing for atmosphere FA files, can be set to 0 to increase accuracy to avoid rounding errors when de-accumulating fields
ARCHIVE_FORMATncformat of archive files
NCNAMESclimatenaming of netcdf variables

Apart from the AROME physics, non-hydrostatic dynamics configuration, also experiments with ALADIN physics, with hydrostatic dynamics are run at resolutions of ca 12km.


tasknamelistvariableclimate settingmeaning
FORECASTNAM_ISBAnCSNOWRESRILMaximum Richardson number limit for stable conditionsISBA-SNOW3L turbulent exchange option


Running is similar to regular Harmonie runs, but an end DTG must be specified:

Harmonie start DTG=2015120100 DTGEND=2021010100 [-c AROME_CLIMSIM|ALADIN_CLIMSIM]

This will use the climsim.tdf playfile to load the ecFlow suite and perform all the required tasks:

  • installation
  • climate file generation
  • boundary file generation
  • run the forecast
  • convert FA to netcdf
  • archive output
  • clean

While the Harmonie start command does everything, optionally the compilation and climate file generation steps can be run separately with Harmonie install and Harmonie climate, respectively. Climate simulations run in blocks of one month. Each new month is started from the last history and full SURFEX files of the previous month.

Input data

Climate files

HCLIM uses the same imput data for climate file generation as Harmonie.

Boundary files

ERA re-analysis data

When running on ECWMF, ERA-Interm or ERA5 data can be retrieved automatically from MARS.


GCM NetCDF files from CMIP5/CMIP6 need to be converted to ECMWF-like GRIB-files first. The CMIPtoHCLIM tool can be used for this conversion.


RACMO asimof files can be handled by HCLIM directly. Set HOST_MODEL=racmo, SST_SOURCES=RACMO.

Greenhouse gas data

Harmonie by default uses the SRES A1B scenarios for greenhouse gases. In the HCLIM repository code has been backported from CY48 to update greenhouse gases from netcdf files, and the CMIP6 SSP370 scenario is used as default. See greenhouse gases for more info.


The raw output of HCLIM is FA. But instead of converting to FA files to GRIB, HCLIM typically converts to NetCDF. Also, the files are reorganised from file per time step with all variables, to files per variable with all time steps. Accumulated fields are de-accumulated and converted to fluxes by default. The output in the HCLIM repository is tailored to meet the requirements of the CORDEX6 projects as much as possible. See the File Formats page for more info. A full list of all default HCLIM output is shown in this sheet.