Download input data
Before you can start running HARMONIE experiments some input data (external from the code repository) needs to be available on your platform. The input data contains physiography data, topography information and climatological values determined from a one year ARPEGE assimilation experiment with a resolution of T79.
- E923_DATA-harmonie-43h2.1.tar.gz: Climate and physiography data for atmospheric climate generation (E923)
- PGD-harmonie-43h2.1.tar.gz: Physiography data for SURFEX (PGD)
- GMTED2010-harmonie-43h2.1.tar.gz : Digital elevation model from UGS
- SOILGRID-harmonie-43h2.1.tar.gz: Soil type data from SOILGRIDS
- sat-harmonie-43h2.1.tar.gz: Constants for satellite information
- rttov7L54-harmonie-43h2.1.tar.gz : RTTOV constants
- ECOCLIMAP second generation is available from here. It's also available on
- testbed-harmonie-43h2.1.tar.gz: Test data set with boundaries and observations for a small 50x50 domain]