Model domain settings

For each domain we set variables related to the geometry and the resolution like:

The following variables related to the geometry and the resolution are required:

TSTEPmodel timestep in seconds
NLONnumber of points in x-direction
NLATnumber of points in y-direction
LONClongitude of domain centre in degrees
LATClatitude of domain center in degrees
LON0reference longitude of the projection in degrees
LAT0reference latitude of the projection in degrees
GSIZEgrid size in meters in both x- and y-direction
EZONEnumber of points over extension zone in both x- and y-direction
LMRTswitch for rotated Mercator projection. If LMRT=.TRUE. LAT0 should be zero
  • If LAT0 = 90, the projection is polar stereographic.
  • If LAT0 < 90, the projection is lambert unless LMRT=.TRUE.._
Restriction on NLON and NLAT

NLON and NLAT should satisfy the equation $2^a ⋅ 3^b ⋅ 5^c$, where either $a ≥ 1, b ≥ 0, c ≥ 0$ or $a=b=c=0$