
Domains.jl is in the HarmonieRegistry. If you haven't added the Harmonie registry yet: In Julia enter REPL-mode (hitting ] as the first character of the command prompt) and add the registry

(@v1.7) pkg> registry add
     Cloning registry from ""
       Added registry `HarmonieRegistry` to `~/.julia/registries/HarmonieRegistry`

You might also want to registry add General if this is the first time you use Julia. After that Domains.jl can be added by

(@v1.7) pkg> add Domains
   Resolving package versions...
   Installed JSONSchema ─ v1.0.1
   Installed Glob ─────── v1.3.0
     Cloning [8047f4c8-798f-41f9-bdd5-7e8534b999d6] Domains from
   Installed Domains ──── v0.2.1
    Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.7/Project.toml`
  [8047f4c8] + Domains v0.2.1
    Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.7/Manifest.toml`
  [8047f4c8] + Domains v0.2.1
  [c27321d9] + Glob v1.3.0
  [7d188eb4] + JSONSchema v1.0.1